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Old Mar 1, 2010, 07:53 PM
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Secret Squirrel Secret Squirrel is offline
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Originally Posted by Ira View Post
I think if the title listed on online is different what's from printed on the album (and is used consistently,) that the title should take priority as the original title. As for both Japanese and English being on the official site, well we have the same thing with album covers, it should be treated in the same manner (usually Japanese title as original and English as display.) The exception I'd make is if the Japanese title is simply a reading of the English title then it shouldn't be included or it should be set as an alternate for searchability (unless the reading is also on the album cover as part of the title.) And hell, there's also weird cases like Sphere Caliber where it's printed 'Sphere Calibar' on the album and 'Sphere Caliber' on the site, I assume the error was corrected after the albums had already been printed so it was a bit too late to fix, but the site was at least fixed (most shops also list it as caliber.) But I digress, my position is as I said before. My only point to add is that there's some weird cases where discretion is needed on part of the editor.
The display title (as worded above) allows for some amount of correction, so this could fall under that. I take it though that you want to change it to explicitly use the official website instead of the cover/obi as the primary source.

Anyway, some examples would be helpful to illustrate. How would you title this album as it appears on Lantis' site.

Compare to our entry here.

(Note, this may be a trick question, in that it's debatable whether Lantis is actually trying to communicate a title here. Their format looks more like Platform Category "Game" / Classification. Still, it's what we've got)

One other point: quite a few albums -- possibly the majority -- don't have an official mention on a current publisher's webpage.

I'd be curious to see some more examples. I'm not against it, and there have been times that I liked the title on the official site better (especially when it was more descriptive), but I don't know where to fit this in, generally.

Originally Posted by Kaleb.G View Post
I'm beginning to think it would be easier to have separate fields for all these different types of titles (e.g. "English Original", "Japanese Original", "English Original Substituting Official Game Titles", "Romanized", and so on), and then have the display field selected programmatically and based on user options.
I think that would complicate things more (though I said that recently about tracklist titles.)

Two things that concern me:
  1. With all of these different titles to consider, we might have some albums with too many titles. I think if we get beyond 4, it starts to get too cluttered.
  2. By applying a rigid set of rules, we might be forced into some titles that just don't look right. So if you find an example that would be out of whack, make sure to post it here so we can consider things.
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