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Old Nov 17, 2014, 06:37 AM
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DanteLectro DanteLectro is offline
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131 on this album is a vocal-only track, while 09 - The First Floor on Bio 2 is an instrumental track (just so we're talking about the same) but I don't hear the same melody. There are some loosely reminiscent motifs played on piano in The First Floor but I wouldn't say they're the same. Are you sure you didn't mean 130? In your post you talk about 130 and 131 but you didn't add them to the notes.

I checked the rest and I definitely hear some of them (I'm not super familiar with Biohazard 2's music).

101, 104, 131, 228 have vocals (others might have as well) and I'm confused as to who the vocalists are. There's Rachel Ferguson, Justine Suzuki and Karen Strassman, but no breakdown is given in the notes. It seems to be the same person except for 131.
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