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Koishiyou♪ / Leah Dizon / 恋しよう♪ / リア・ディゾン / Koishiyou♪ / Leah Dizon
恋しよう♪ / リア・ディゾン Koishiyou♪ / Leah Dizon Koishiyou♪ / Leah Dizon 恋しよう♪ / リア・ディゾン
Vocals / Vocals | Leah Dizon / ディゾンリア | Words / Words | Leah Dizon / ディゾンリア, Mika Arata / 新美香, Maiko Emura | Composer / 作曲 | Shoichiro Hirata / 平田祥一郎 (SUPA LOVE), Kotaro Egami / 江上浩太郎 (SUPA LOVE), STY (Digz, inc) | Producer / Producer | Shoichiro Hirata / 平田祥一郎 (SUPA LOVE), Kotaro Egami / 江上浩太郎 (SUPA LOVE), STY for Digz, inc, Noriko Kuwabara | Arranged by / Arranged by | Shoichiro Hirata / 平田祥一郎 (SUPA LOVE), Kotaro Egami / 江上浩太郎 (SUPA LOVE), STY for Digz, inc | All Instruments / All Instruments | Shoichiro Hirata / 平田祥一郎 (SUPA LOVE), Kotaro Egami / 江上浩太郎 (SUPA LOVE), STY (Digz, inc) | Programming / Programming | Shoichiro Hirata / 平田祥一郎 (SUPA LOVE), Kotaro Egami / 江上浩太郎 (SUPA LOVE), STY (Digz, inc) | Chorus / Chorus | ellie, Mayumi Fujita / 藤田真由美 | Recorded by / Recorded by | Gonta Kawamoto / 川本ゴン太, Kgro (Digz, inc) | Mixed by / Mixed by | Gonta Kawamoto / 川本ゴン太, gRuMpY (Digz, inc) | Recorded at / Recorded at | SUPA studio, DGM Studio | Mixed at / Mixed at | SUPA studio, DGM Studio | Background Vocals / Background Vocals | Yukali | Mastered by / Mastered by | Hiroshi Kawasaki / 川﨑洋 (FLAIR) | Art Direction / Art Direction | Swingarm | Design / Design | Swingarm | Photography / Photography | Takayuki Okada / 岡田貴之 | Styling / Styling | Kyohei Ogawa / 小川恭平, Naomi Yoshida / 吉田奈緒美 (Avgvst International Co., Ltd.) | Hair / Hair | Keiko Morisaki (STIJL) | Make-up Artist / Make-up Artist | Emi Yamaguchi, Keiko Morisaki (STIJL) |
Disc 1
01 |
Koishiyou♪ |
02 |
Could you be that one? |
03 |
Aishiteru ~ Love Story |
Disc length
Disc 1
01 |
恋しよう♪ |
02 |
Could you be that one? |
03 |
アイシテル ~ Love Story |
Disc length
M01 Words by Leah Dizon & Mika Arata Music by Shoichiro Hirata (SUPA LOVE) Produced and Arranged by Shoichiro Hirata (SUPA LOVE) All Instruments and programming by Shoichiro Hirata (SUPA LOVE) Recorded & Mixed by Gonta Kawamoto @ SUPA studio Chorus by ellie
M02 Words by Leah Dizon & Maiko Emura Music by Kotaro Egami (SUPA LOVE) Produced and Arranged by Kotaro Egami (SUPA LOVE) All Instruments and programming by Kotaro Egami (SUPA LOVE) Mixed by Gonta Kawamoto @ SUPA studio Chorus by Mayumi Fujita
M03 Words by Leah Dizon Music by STY (Digz, inc) Produced and Arranged by STY for Digz, inc All Instruments and programming by STY (Digz, inc) Recorded by Kgro (Digz, inc) @ DGM Studio Mixed by gRuMpY (Digz, inc) @ DGM Studio Background Vocals by Yukali
Mastered by Hiroshi Kawasaki (FLAIR)
Art Direction & Design: Swingarm Photography: Takayuki Okada Styling: Kyohei Ogawa Hair: Keiko Morisaki (STIJL) Make: Emi Yamaguchi
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