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The First Journey (THRONE AND LIBERTY Original Soundtrack)

Catalog Number N/A
Barcode 8721056076420
Release Date Dec 07, 2023
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 9.99 USD
Media Format Digital
Classification Original Soundtrack
LabelNCSOUND / /
Phonographic CopyrightNCSoft / /


Composer / Benjamin Wallfisch (Fifth Street Music), Benjamin Botkin, Jinock Kim / (NCSOUND), Juman Lee (NCSOUND), Minsoo Kim (NCSOUND), Keunhye Oh / (NCSOUND), Michal Cielecki, Max Cameron (MCMX Music)
Arranger / Benjamin Wallfisch (Fifth Street Music), Benjamin Botkin, Jinock Kim / (NCSOUND), Juman Lee (NCSOUND), Minsoo Kim (NCSOUND), Keunhye Oh / (NCSOUND), Michal Cielecki, Max Cameron (MCMX Music), Saulius Petreikis (Vsl Saules muzika)
Lyrics / Insun Lee (NCSOFT TL Camp)
Vocals / Eurielle, Manjari Lila, Jangwon Lee
Hurdy-Gurdy / Kang Heesu (Gyepisisters)
Bands / Saulius Petreikis World Orchestra
Orchestras / Chamber Orchestra of London, Synchron Stage Orchestra
Conductors / Chris Egan, Gottfried Rabl
Supervising Producer / Hokeun Song (NCSOUND)
Music Producer / Minsoo Kim (NCSOUND)
Supervising Manager / Ray Paik (NCSOUND)
Production Manager / Yusol Oh (NCSOUND)
Production Coordinator / Lucy Kim (NCSOUND)
Mixing Studio / NCSOUND Studios
Mastering Studio / NCSOUND Studios
Mixing Engineer / Youngdae Kim (NCSOUND), Trystan Francis
Mastering Engineer / Youngdae Kim (NCSOUND)
Album Designer / Yunji Seo (NCSOUND)
Executive Producer / Taekjin Kim (NCSOFT)
Recording Studios / Abbey Road Studios, London, Synchron Stage Vienna
Recording Engineer / Geoff Foster, Martin Weismayr
ProTools Operator / Chris Barrett, Lukas Lützow
Orchestrator / Chris Egan
Music Prep / Harry George, Stefan Höll
Contractor (Orchestra) / Gareth Griffiths, Marton Barka


Disc 1

01 Benjamin Wallfisch, Eurielle - THRONE AND LIBERTY (Throne Theme) 4:03
02 Benjamin Wallfisch, Eurielle - THRONE AND LIBERTY (Liberty Theme) 5:02
03 Benjamin Botkin - Adventurer's Song 6:01
04 NCSOUND - Beginning of the Story 2:42
05 NCSOUND - Whisperion in Crisis 1:26
06 NCSOUND - Welcoming Morning Greetings 1:04
07 NCSOUND - The Way Home 3:14
08 NCSOUND - Welcoming Evening Greetings 1:15
09 NCSOUND - Moonlight Shadow 2:44
10 NCSOUND, Saulius Petreikis - Oh, Thou Beautiful Star! (English Ver.) 4:23
11 NCSOUND - Invitation to the Golden Desert 1:11
12 NCSOUND - Golden Paradise 3:06
13 NCSOUND - Invitation to the Moonlight Desert 1:18
14 NCSOUND - Desert Starlight 2:57
15 NCSOUND, Jang-Won Lee - We Found the Golem's Heart! 1:53
16 Michal Cielecki - Prelude to a War 3:47
17 Max Cameron - Wall of Dimensions 3:07
Disc length 49:13



  Benjamin Wallfisch (01, 02)
  Benjamin Botkin (03)
  Jinock Kim (04, 05, 12, 14)
  Juman Lee (06, 08, 10, 11, 13)
  Minsoo Kim (07, 09)
  Keunhye Oh & Minsoo Kim (15)
  Michal Cielecki (16)
  Max Cameron (17)

Composer & Arranger
Minsoo Kim, Jinock Kim, Keunhye Oh, Juman Lee @ NCSOUND
Benjamin Wallfisch @ Fifth Street Music
Benjamin Botkin
Michal Cielecki
Max Cameron @ MCMX Music
Saulius Petreikis @ Vsl Saules muzika

Insun Lee @ NCSOFT TL Camp

Vocals : Eurielle, Manjari Lila, Jangwon Lee
Hurdy-gurdy: Kang Heesu @ Gyepisisters
Bands : Saulius Petreikis World Orchestra
Orchestras: Chamber Orchestra of London, Synchron Stage Orchestra
Conductors: Chris Egan, Gottfried Rabl

Supervising Producer: Hokeun Song @ NCSOUND
Music Producer: Minsoo Kim @ NCSOUND
Supervising Manager: Ray Paik @ NCSOUND
Production Manager: Yusol Oh @ NCSOUND
Production Coordinator: Lucy Kim @ NCSOUND
Mixing and Mastering Studio: NCSOUND Studios
Mixing and Mastering Engineer: Youngdae Kim @ NCSOUND
Album Designer: Yunji Seo @ NCSOUND

Executive Producer: Taekjin Kim @ NCSOFT

Additional Studios
Abbey Road Studios, London
Recording Studios: Abbey Road Studios, London
Recording Engineer: Geoff Foster
Protools Operator: Chris Barrett
Mixing Engineer: Trystan Francis
Orchestrator: Chris Egan
Music Prep:  Harry George
Contractor(Orchestra): Gareth Griffiths

Synchron Stage Vienna
Recording Studios: Synchron Stage Vienna
Recording Engineer: Martin Weismayr
ProTools Operator: Lukas Lützow
Conductor: Gottfried Rabl
Music Prep: Stefan Höll
Contractor(Orchestra): Marton Barka

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