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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Original Soundtrack

Catalog Number N/A (alternate printing of N/A)
Release Date Oct 08, 2010
Publish Format Commercial, Retailer Bonus
Release Price Not for Sale (U.S.)
Media Format CD
Classification Original Soundtrack
OrganizationsNamco Bandai Games / hmv


Composer / Nitin Sawhney, Tina Grace
Arranger / Nitin Sawhney
Performer / The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (Lucie Svehlova), Richard Ridings, Tina Grace, Nitin Sawhney, Ian Burdge, Samy Bishai, Stephen Hussey
Lyricist / Nitin Sawhney, Tina Grace
Recording Engineer / Jan Holzner
Music Contractor / James Fitzpatrick
Orchestral Supervision / James Fitzpatrick


Disc 1

01 The Right To Enslave 3:33
02 Cloud Surfing 5:50
03 Rhino Chase 3:35
04 Pigsy Sacrifice 1:17
05 Catch The Dragonspy 1:50
06 Threat 2:00
07 Pigsy Blues 4:16
08 Back Home 4:59
09 Monkey Sunset 1:24
10 Hoover Dam 2:51
11 Dam 3:58
12 Slaveship 2:58
13 Protecting Trip 3:06
14 The Battle 3:19
15 The Hero's Journey 3:40
16 No Death In Love 2:20
17 Redemption 0:49
18 Pyramid 2:28
Disc length 54:13



This version comes only with the Collector's Edition at the online shop "".
This version comes with "THE TALENT PACK" - a celebration of the team behind the game. Presented in an exclusive box, it contains a copy of the game, "The Tesseract" novel by Alex Garland and The Original Soundtrack by Nitin Sawhney.

Notes from Parent Album:
Attached in the Artbook that comes with the European Collector's Edition of the game.

All music and lyrics written, composed, programmed, orchestrated and produced by Nitin Sawhney

"No Death In Love"
Lyrics and music by Tina Grace and Nitin Sawhney

Recorded and mixed at The Dairy, London
Mixing, Engineering & Editing: Dean Barrett
Additional Studio Engineering by Reuben Hollebon
Assistant Studio Engineer: Jeremy Lampard
Executive Assistant to Nitin Sawhney: Tina Arena

All instruments except below: Nitin Sawhney
Additional Cello: Ian Burdge
Additional violin: Samy Bishai
Vocals: Richard Ridings (Track 7) / Tina Grace (Track 16)

City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
Recorded at Smecky Music Studios, Prague
Conductor: Stephen Hussey
Additional Orchestral voicing, score editing, copying & parts preparation by Stephen Hussey & Michael Ford
Concert Master: Lucie Svehlova
Recording Engineer: Jan Holzner
Music Contractor and Orchestral Supervision by James Fitzpatrick

Additional strings recorded at The Dairy, London
Leader & Conductor: Stephen Hussey
Mastered by Frank Arkwright at Metropolis Mastering

Album Stats

Contained in 4 collections
Contained in 3 wish lists
Platforms represented
Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3


Related Albums

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Oct 28, 2010 04:10 AM
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