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Nodame Cantabile Finale Original Soundtrack & All Seasons Best

のだめカンタービレ フィナーレ オールシーズンズベスト


All Songs Composed by / Suguru Matsutani /
All Songs Arranged by / Suguru Matsutani /
Piano / Suguru Matsutani /
Acoustic Guitar / Nozomi Aoki /
1st Violin / Hijiri Kuwano /
2nd Violin / Eri Ido /
Viola / Sachie Oonuma /
Cello / Mari Masumoto /
Flute / Hideyo Takakuwa /
Oboe / Satoshi Shoji /
Clarinet / Kimio Yamane /
Recorded at / Crescent Studio, Think Sync Integral
Mixed at / Crescent Studio, Think Sync Integral
Recorded by / Kinya Takayama
Mixed by / Kinya Takayama
Assisted by / Kunihiro Imazeki / for Crescent Studio, Shigeru Imazeki for Think Sync Integral
Mastered by / Yuji Chinone / (Sony Music Studios Tokyo)
Associate Producer / Haruki Tahara / for Warp And Associates Inc.
Artist Management / Warp And Associates Inc.
Management Desk / Hiromi Sagiya
Supervised by / Daisuke Mogi
Produced by / Noritaka Suzuki / (Epic Records Japan Inc.)
Executive Producers / Kazuyuki Kobayashi / , Yorio Isshi / , Satoshi Aoki / (Epic Records Japan Inc.)
A&R / Noritaka Suzuki / , Kouchi Baba / (Epic Records Japan Inc.)
Sales Promotion / Akiko Kobayashi / , Kentaro Yamada / , Fumio Ozaki / (Sony Music Distribution)
Product Coordination / Yuko Murase / (Sony Music Communications)
Art Direction / Koichi Tominuki / (ROOTS)
Design / Koichi Tominuki / (ROOTS), Yukiko Tanaka / (ROOTS)
Illustrated by / Hidekazu Shimamura /
Finished by / J. C. STAFF
Special Thanks / Tomoko Ninomiya, Kaori Mikawa, Masayuki Haiu (Kodansha), All Staff of "Nodame Cantabile 3 Production Committee" / , Yuichi Suzuki / (Fujipacific Music Inc.), Yuko Nakamura, Akiko Kanai, Atsuhito Isoda (Asmik Ace Entertainment Inc.), Hiroaki Sano / (SME)


Disc 1

01 Overture 0:57
02 モーツァルト:K.545 1:42
03 のだめの朝の歌 1:09
04 切ない恋のプレリュード 1:34
05 こんぺい糖の踊り~マエストロのテーマ 1:27
06 ギャボー舞曲 0:58
07 恋、それは幻 guitar version 1:24
08 のだめラプソディ 5:52
09 歓びの歌~ベートーヴェン第九より 2:41
10 ボレロ ヴァリエーションⅠ 2:25
11 ボレロ ヴァリエーションⅢ 1:53
12 ボレロ ヴァリエーションⅦ 1:34
13 「お前だって、がんばってきたんだよな」 2:09
14 「巴里デビュー」 2:21
15 「巴里...夕日」 2:48
16 風を切って 2:34
17 のだめとゆかいな仲間たち 2:18
18 アパルトマン、コンセルヴァトワール、そしてパリ 2:12
19 のだめ・イン・ブルー 1:53
20 からまわりのエレジー 2:02
21 焦燥のノクターン 2:48
22 見えない気持ち 1:40
23 かわらぬ想い 2:50
24 優しさにつつまれて 2:46
25 いつか見た風景 3:21
26 未来への終楽章 2:37
Disc length 57:55



All Songs Composed & Arranged by Suguru Matsutani

Musicians (M16~26)
Piano: Suguru Matsutani
Acoustic Guitar: Nozomi Aoki
1st Violin: Hijiri Kuwano
2nd Violin: Eri Ido
Viola: Sachie Oonuma
Cello: Mari Masumoto
Flute: Hideyo Takakuwa
Oboe: Satoshi Shoji
Clarinette: Kimio Yamane

Recorded & Mixed at Crescent Studio
Recorded & Mixed at Think Sync Integral
Recorded & Mixed by Kinya Takayama
Assisted by Kunihiro Imazeki for Crescent Studio
Assisted by Shigeru Imazeki for Think Sync Integral

Mastered by Yuji Chinone (Sony Music Studios Tokyo)

Associates Producer: Haruki Tahara for Warp And Associates Inc.

Artist Management: Warp And Associates Inc.
Management Desk: Hiromi Sagiya

Supervised by Daisuke Mogi

Produced by Noritaka Suzuki (Epic Records Japan Inc.)
Exective Producers: Kazuyuki Kobayashi, Yorio Isshi, Satoshi Aoki (Epic Records Japan Inc.)

A&R: Noritaka Suzuki, Kouchi Baba (Epic Records Japan Inc.)
Sales Promotion: Akiko Kobayashi, Kentaro Yamada, Fumio Ozaki (Sony Music Distribution)
Product Coodination: Yuko Murase (Sony Music Communications)
Art Direction & Design: Koichi Tominuki (ROOTS)
Design: Yukiko Tanaka (ROOTS)

Illustrated by Hidekazu Shimamura
Finished by J. C. STAFF

Special Thanks to
Tomoko Ninomiya
Kaori Mikawa, Masayuki Haiu (Kodansha)
All Staff of "Nodame Cantabile 3 Production Committee"
Yuichi Suzuki (Fujipacific Music Inc.)
Yuko Nakamura, Akiko Kanai, Atsuhito Isoda (Asmik Ace Entertainment Inc.)
Hiroaki Sano (SME)

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