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Disc 1
NotesThe idea of this album was to create a true recreation of one of the best video game soundtracks in history. These covers are not heavily arranged; the original NES games (for the most part) utilized only 4 channels: two leads, a bass and a noise track used for drums. In the same spirit, these songs consist only of two lead guitars, a bass and drums and very few liberties were taken with the music (except the drums*)--the songs were even recorded in their original tempos (sometimes set to the thousandth of a beat per minute) so that they could seamlessly be played over the game.
*First and foremost, I am a metal drummer and when this whole idea started the first step was to record drums. As the capability of writing drums for NES games was fairly limited, I figured it might sound a little empty having real drums play such limited parts, so I jazzed them up a bit. Dusty Zahrt - Drums, guitars, bass, production, mixing, mastering |
Album Stats Contained in 2 collections
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NES (Famicom) Available atRelated AlbumsDaniel Brown's Castlevania DB-002 Daniel Brown's Castlevania DB-002 Belmont N/A Castlevania MOND-071 Thrashlevania MCOL-0046
Sep 27, 2013 10:52 AM Edited
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