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Risk of Rain Official Game Soundtrack

Catalog Number N/A (U.S. printing of N/A)
Release Date Feb 2015
Publish Format Commercial, Enclosure
Release Price 34.99 USD (Package Price)
Media Format CD
Classification Original Soundtrack
OrganizationsChucklefish / IndieBox


Composed by / Chris Christodoulou
Performed by / Chris Christodoulou
Produced by / Chris Christodoulou
Electric Guitar / Chris Christodoulou
Electric Bass / Chris Christodoulou
Keyboard / Chris Christodoulou
Electric Piano / Chris Christodoulou
Piano / Chris Christodoulou
Synths / Chris Christodoulou
Thanks / Duncan, Paul, Gnome, [Your name here], Antigone


Disc 1

01 Risk of Rain 2:50
02 Dew Point 3:28
03 Tropic of Capricorn 3:01
04 Monsoon 2:39
05 Cyclogenesis 3:24
06 25.3°N 91.7°E 4:16
07 Hailstorm 2:23
08 Moisture Deficit 4:44
09 Intermission 0:25
10 Tropic of Cancer 3:28
11 Aurora Borealis 3:52
12 Surface Tension 3:42
13 Arctic Oscillation 6:40
14 Precipitation 3:51
15 Double Fucking Rainbow 4:10
16 Coalescence 5:38
17 Chanson d'Automne.. 3:21
Disc length 61:52



CD version.
Available with the game sold by IndieBox (February 2015 Box).

Notes from Parent Album:
Composed, performed* and produced by Chris Christodoulou
*All El. Guitars, El. bass & Keyboard solos are actual performances. (El.) pianos, other keyboards & Synths are preformed and then subjected to various degrees of MIDI-editing. Everything else is programmed.

Lead Synth: Spectrasonics Omnisphere
Other Synths/pads: Omnisphere / Plogue Chipsounds
El.Pianos: SonicCouture Abstrakt Vol. 1 / NI Scarbee Mark I
Piano: NI The Giant
Synth Basses: Steinberg Retrologue / Omnisphere
El.Guitar & El.Bass amps: NI Guitar Rig 5
Drums: NI Battery 4 / Steinberg Groove Agent One
Percussion: East-West Stormdrum 2 / Cinematique Instruments
Clap tRak
Clarinet: 8Dio Claire Clarinet Virtuoso
Oboe: Berlin Woodwinds
Mastering plugins: FabFilter (Pro-C, Pro-Q, Saturn, Plo-L)
Recorded, Programmed, Mixed & mastered in Steinberg Cubase 7
Rain and Thunderstorm audio samples on “Arctic Oscillation” by Q.K. and RHumphries from

Duncan & Paul
[Your name here]

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