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Chargeman Ken! Tribute to Soundtracks vol.1

チャージマン研! Tribute to Soundtracks vol.1
Catalog Number TECD-0005
Barcode 4571377170017
Release Date Oct 27, 2010
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3990 JPY
Media Format CD + CD-ROM
Classification Original Soundtrack, Arrangement, Vocal
PublisherTraffic Entertainment / /
Distributordiskunion / /

Disc 1 (CD) [TECD-0005] Original Soundtrack, Arrangement, Vocal

01 チャージマン研
02 研とキャロンの歌
03 BGM01 (チャージマン研! TVサイズ)
04 BGM02 (チャージマン研! instrumental)
05 BGM03 (日常BGM)
06 BGM04 (日常BGM)
07 BGM05 (本編ED)
08 BGM06 (バリカンのテーマ)
09 BGM07 (僕のパパは時代おくれ?)
10 BGM08 (鳩時計が3時を指したら)
11 BGM09 (殺人レコード恐怖のメロディ)
12 BGM10 (ジュラル星人のテーマ)
13 BGM11 (美術館の怪!)
14 BGM12 (ファッションモデルを消せ!)
15 BGM13 (危機!! 子供宇宙ステーション)
16 BGM14 (恐怖! 精神病院)
17 BGM15 (怪奇! ロウ人形館)
18 BGM16(ジュラル星人のテーマ2)
19 BGM17 (勝利! チャージマン研)
20 BGM18 (ガールフレンドが出来た)
21 BGM19 (ボルガ博士死のバラード)
22 BGM20 (チャージマン研! マーチアレンジバージョン)
23 BGM21 (本編ED2)
24 チャージマン研!
25 研とキャロンの歌
27 これから毎日チャージマン
28 ボルガダイナマイト
29 大回転皆殺し
30 バカっちょ金魚
31 ブラームス交響曲八番「狂喜の歌」
32 旅行けば病院
Disc 2 (CD-ROM)

01 「チャージマン研!」絵コンテ集

Translated by ladatree
Total tracks 33


Soundtrack to the infamous 1974 television anime Chargeman Ken!, comes with original theme songs, original inserted songs, original BGM, cover songs, tribute songs and bonus tracks totaling 32 songs. Accompained by a 48p booklet containg an interview of Nak staff involved in animation production

[01~23] Original Soundtrack
Music by Kunio Miyauchi

01. "Chargeman Ken" opening theme
Lyrics: Nak Kikakubu/ナック企画部
Composed and Arranged by: Chargeman Ken
Vocal: Hibari Children Chorus

02. "Ken to Caron no Uta"
Lyrics: Nak Kikakubu
Composed and Arranged by: Chargeman Ken
Vocal: Osamu Minagawa, Hibari Children Chorus

[24~30] Arrange + Tribute Track
24. Performer: Kenji Otsuki feat. Saori Goto (produce by NARASAKI)
25. Performer: Lolita No.18
26. Performer: JAGUAR
27. Performer: 掟ポルシェ
28. Performer: COOL&CREATE
29. Performer: Osamu Isoda/磯田収 (ex.モダンチョキチョキズ)
30. Performer: Mariko Hanazono/花園マリ子
Lyrics, Composed, Arranged by: Eiji Morota

[31,32] Bonus Track
31. Performer: いすぃ
32. Performer: バリカン

DISC 2 (CD-Rom)
Also included the national treasure CD-ROM which made all the storyboards (1500) excavated for the first time in about 40 years from the basement of Nak converted and recorded.
For fans that may reveal mysteries such as "behind the Caron"

※O.A episode 53 "Ayashii Hanayome" (recorded as 51 episode on DVD) can not be found, it will be unrecorded.

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