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Tokimeki Memorial ~forever with you~ Original Game Soundtrack

ときめきメモリアル ~forever with you~ オリジナル・ゲーム・サントラ
Catalog Number GAME-153~4 (bootleg printing of KICA-7675~6)
Barcode 4715380021533
Release Date Nov 13, 1996
Publish Format Bootleg
Release Price Unknown (Taiwan)
Media Format 2 CD
Classification Original Soundtrack, Vocal
PublisherSonMay Records / /
This album is a bootleg.
Please support the original artists by not purchasing bootleg albums.


Music / Konami Kukeiha Club /
Performer / Metal Yuhki /
Composer / Metal Yuhki / , Masanori Oouchi /
Arranger / Metal Yuhki / , Motoaki Furukawa / , Kazuo Hashi / , Tappy /
Vocals / Yuuji Ueda / , Mami Kingetsu /
Chorus / Junko Hirotani / , Yasuhiro Kido / , Satoko Shimonari /
Lyricist / IGA, Sanoppi, Masanori Oouchi / , Tokimeki Verse Committee /
Guitar / Motoaki Furukawa /
Drums / Tappy /
Bass / Keiichi Shiraishi /
Producer / Shigeru Fukutake / (KONAMI)
Director / Takashi Sasugano / (KONAMI), Seiya Murai / (KONAMI), Noritada Matsukawa / (KONAMI), Jun Otsuki / (King Record Co., Ltd.), 千崎一義 (Musical Station)
Engineer / Shigeru Yamamoto / (STUDIO YOU), Kazuyoshi Hinoki / (Video Sunmall), Les Willams (Planet Sound Studios), Satoru Higashi / (NAZZ STUDIO)
Assistant Engineer / Seiki Ochiai / (Video Sunmall)
Mastering Engineer / Seiji Kaneko / (King Records)
Recording Studio / STUDIO YOU, Video Sunmall / , Planet Sound Studios, NAZZ Studio
Mastering Studio / King Records
Art Director / CITROEN Matsuda / (KONAMI), Sayurin / (KONAMI)
Designer / イヌエダ24 (KONAMI)
Illustration / 小倉雅史 (KONAMI)
Co-ordinate / Atsushi Fujio / (KONAMI)
Special Thanks / Kenzo Miura / (Video Sunmall), Metal Yuhki / (KONAMI), Miki Higashino / (KONAMI), Keizo Nakamura / (KONAMI), Akiropito (KONAMI), TAMA-CHANG (KONAMI), Hiroe Noguchi / (KONAMI), Michael Maezawa / (KONAMI), Takaharu Ikeda / (KONAMI), そこかしこ八木ちゃん (KONAMI), Tokimeki Memorial Game Production Staff /
Interview / Takashi Sasugano / , Metal Yuhki / , nor, Seiya Murai / , Jigokuguruma Nakamura / , Akiropito, Miki Higashino / , Hiroe Noguchi / , TAMA-CHANG


Disc 1 [GAME-153] Original Soundtrack

01 Beneath the Legendary Tree... - Shiori Monologue 1:11
02 Tokimeki - Opening Demo 1:23
03 Meeting - Personality Entry 1:09
04 School Entrance - Prologue Demo 1:20
05 Bloom - Spring 1:24
06 A Brief Vacation - Spring Break 1:01
07 Your Short Sleeves - Summer 1:29
08 Fun! Fun! Summer Vacation - Summer Vacation 1:11
09 Footsteps on Dry Leaves - Autumn 1:03
10 White Breath - Winter 1:26
11 An Orange at the Kotatsu - Winter Break 1:00
12 Just a Few Memories... - Shiori Fujisaki's Theme 2:00
13 A Sonata for You - Mio Kisaragi's Theme 1:08
14 More Than Anyone Else in the World - Yuna Himoo's Theme 1:29
15 Boy Friends - Ayako Katagiri's Theme 1:22
16 Teenage - Saki Nijino's Theme 1:32
17 Baby Bird in a Basket - Yukari Koshiki's Theme 1:39
18 I Want to Gaze at You - Nozomi Kiyokawa's Theme 1:08
19 Temptation in Your Eyes - Mira Kagami's Theme 1:42
20 Jumping Smile - Yuuko Asahina's Theme 1:29
21 That Shop on the Way to School - Megumi Mikihara's Theme 1:27
22 Aim! For the Goal of Love! - Yumi Saotome's Theme 1:38
23 Goodnight, Love - Miharu Tatebayashi's Theme 1:25
24 High Class Pedigree - Rei Ijuuin's Theme 1:08
25 Omakase Network - Yoshio Saotome's Theme 1:16
26 Neighborhood 1:05
27 Central Park 1:05
28 Zoo 1:14
29 Arboretum 1:22
30 Aquarium 0:57
31 Amusement Park - Waiting at the Amusement Park 0:51
32 A Place to Just Gaze at You - Ferris Wheel 0:58
33 Banquet of the Ghosts - Ghost House 1:02
34 On the Verge of Fainting - Scream Machine Bibeel 0:52
35 Fight, Hero! - Hero Show 0:57
36 A Summer Day's Illumination - Night Parade 0:48
37 Temple Festival - Waiting at the Temple Festival 1:05
38 Leave the Ningyosukui To Me! - Ningyosukui (Gold Fish Rescue) 1:13
39 Gunman at the Shrine - Target Practice 0:50
40 Rising Dragon, Chaotic Transition - Fireworks 1:12
41 Pool 1:15
42 Ocean 0:57
43 Shopping 1:13
44 Fashion Shop 0:58
45 Boutique 0:57
46 Junk Shop 1:07
47 Stadium - Waiting at the Stadium 1:08
48 Smash a Home Run! - Baseball Match 0:40
49 Burning Gong - Pro Wrestling Match 0:42
50 Bowling 0:47
51 Game Center 0:57
52 Karaoke - Karaoke Box 1:17
53 Library 0:52
54 Cunning Tactics - Yuuko Cheats 0:52
55 Art Gallery 0:50
56 Planetarium 1:23
57 Concert Hall - Concert Appointment 0:38
58 Skating 0:49
59 Skiing 1:03
60 Midterm Test - Midterm Test Period 0:51
61 Under One Roof with Her - Meeting at a Summer Camp 1:08
62 Heartbeat in the Darkness - Test of Confidence 0:48
63 Straight for the Stomach - Food Poisoning Outbreak 0:31
64 C'mon, Just for a Second - Peeking in the Bath 1:07
Disc length 72:21
Disc 2 [GAME-154] Original Soundtrack

01 Happy Birthday! - Birthday 1:07
02 Shiori's Room - Two People Have a Birthday in Shiori's Room 1:40
03 I Love Chocolate - Valentine's Day 1:18
04 The Tactical Art of Love - White Day 1:25
05 A Visit to the Ijuuin Family - At the Ijuuin's (Toi Theme) 0:44
06 Welcome to the Christmas Party! - Ijuuin Christmas Party 1:08
07 A Girl and a Kitten - Discover a Kitten, and Love 0:51
08 Warming My Chilled Body - Mira Borrow's Your Coat 0:57
09 White Christmas - Shiori, White Christmas 0:57
10 All Alone on Christmas - Lonely Christmas 0:57
11 Open the Curtains for a New Year - New Year's 0:57
12 My Good Luck Find Me! - Horoscope 0:41
13 Snowplow Naughty Girl - Graceful Snow Battle 0:49
14 I Want to Take a Walk With You - Last Date with Miharu 1:43
15 Easy Victory! Practice Match - Practice Match 0:44
16 The Best Days of Our Youth - Baseball Team Nationals 0:40
17 Aim for the Top! Pro Soccer - Soccer Team National Match 0:52
18 Like a Dolphin - Swimming Inter-High School Competition 0:59
19 Bam! Slam Dunk - Basketball Inter-High School Competition 1:01
20 Brand New Tennis Shoes - Tennis Inter-High School Competition 0:39
21 Could I Be a Genius?! - Cultural Knowledge Contest Easy Victory 0:42
22 Culture Festival 0:58
23 Experimental Show of the Century - Experimental Show 0:39
24 A Computer Fortunetelling With Her - Computer Fortunetelling 0:38
25 Even the Spirits are Evil - Clandestine Meeting of the Evil Governors 0:42
26 The Young Girl's Crisis 0:18
27 Samurai Kintarou Will Cut Them Down! - Samurai Kintarou's Theme 1:19
28 Nazora's Ambition - Nazora's Theme 1:00
29 Nazora Dancing - Nazora Vs. Cultman 0:55
30 Go For It, Cultman! - Cultman's Theme 1:22
31 Find That Kid! - Relay Race 1:11
32 Push! Push the Ball! - Ball-Rolling 1:03
33 Special Training Behind the School Building - Mio Practices for the Three-Legged Race 1:14
34 Breathing in Sync - Three-Legged Race 0:56
35 Encircled by Flowers - Meeting in the Flowerbed, Beneath the Moon 1:02
36 Lilac Hill - Hokkaido Trip 1:06
37 Mystery Zone - Yuna's UFO Encounter 1:03
38 Song of the Southern Islands - Okinawa 1:02
39 What are You Talkin'? - Ayako Loses the Path 1:16
40 Old City - Kyotonara 1:20
41 A Rosy-Colored Girl Coming from the Bath - Yukari Comes Out of the Bath 0:50
42 Kind of Lucky - Saki Goes to Bed with a Cold 1:00
43 What is That?! - Enemy Encounter ~ You're Gonna Feel Some Pain (Battle with Zako) 1:19
44 I Am the Number One! - Battle with the Cheif ~ Defeat (Defeat Jingle) 1:32
45 Confession 3:21
46 Reminiscence 2:12
47 When We're Together - Happy Ending 3:15
48 Poem of the Effeminate Losers - Bad Ending 1:48
49 Album of Memories 3:03
50 Tidings of the Evening Calm 6:07
51 When We're Together ~Forever~ 3:41
Disc length 68:03

  Total tracks 115   Total length 2:20:24


1.01~2: オープニング
1.03~4: プロローグ
1.05~11: 季節
1.12~25: 人物
1.26~59: デート
    1.31~36: 遊園地メドレー
    1.37~40: 縁日メドレー
    1.43~46: ショッピングメドレー
    1.47~49: スタジアムメドレー
    1.53~54: 図書館メドレー
1.60~64: 学校行事
    1.61~64: 夏合宿メドレー

2.01~14: 特別な日
    2.05~10: クリスマスメドレー
    2.11~12: 正月メドレー
2.15~21: クラブ活動
2.22~30: 文化祭
    2.22~24: 文化祭メドレー
    2.25~27: 金太郎侍メドレー
    2.28~30: カルトマンメドレー
2.31~35: 運動会
2.36~42: 修学旅行
    2.36~37: 北海道旅行メドレー
    2.38~39: 沖縄旅行メドレー
    2.40~42: 京都奈良旅行メドレー
2.43~44: 戦闘
    2.43~44: 戦闘メドレー
2.45~46: エピローグ
2.47~49: エンディング
2.50~51: おまけ

Music: Konami Kukeiha Club

Lyricist: SANOPPI
Composer: Metal Yuhki
Arranger/Performer: Metal Yuhki
Guitar Performance: Motoaki Furukawa
Chorus: Junko Hirotani & Yasuhiro Kido
Vocals: Mami Kingetsu

Lyricist: Tokimeki Verse Committee
Composer: Metal Yuhki
Arranger: Kazuo Hashi
Chorus: Junko Hirotani & Satoko Shimonari
Vocals: Mami Kingetsu

Lyricist: IGA
Composer: Metal Yuhki
Arranger/Performer: Metal Yuhki
Vocals/Chorus: Yuuji Ueda

Lyricist: Masanori Oouchi
Composer: Metal Yuhki & Masanori Oouchi
Arranger/Performer: Motoaki Furukawa
Chorus: Junko Hirotani & Yasuhiro Kido
Vocals: Mami Kingetsu

Lyricist: Tokimeki Verse Committee
Composer: Metal Yuhki
Arranger: Tappy
Guitar: Motoaki Furukawa
Drums: Tappy
Bass: Keiichi Shiraishi
Chorus: Junko Hirotani & Yasuhiro Kido
Vocals: Mami Kingetsu


Producer: Shigeru Fukutake (KONAMI)
Director: Takashi Sasugano (KONAMI)
              Seiya Murai (KONAMI)
              Noritada Matsukawa (KONAMI)
              Jun Otsuki (King Record Co., Ltd.)
              千崎一義 (Musical Station)
Engineer: Shigeru Yamamoto (STUDIO YOU)
               Kazuyoshi Hinoki (Video Sunmall)
               Les Willams (Planet Sound Studios)
               Satoru Higashi (NAZZ STUDIO)
Assistant Engineer: Seiki Ochiai (Video Sunmall)
Mastering Engineer: Seiji Kaneko (King Records)
Recording Studio: STUDIO YOU
                           Video Sunmall
                           Planet Sound Studios
                           NAZZ Studio
Mastering Studio: King Records
Art Director: CITROEN Matsuda (KONAMI)
                   Sayurin (KONAMI)
Designer: イヌエダ24 (KONAMI)
Illustration: 小倉雅史 (KONAMI)
Co-ordinate: Atsushi Fujio (KONAMI)
Special Thanks to Kenzo Miura (Video Sunmall)
                          Metal Yuhki (KONAMI)
                          Miki Higashino (KONAMI)
                          Keizo Nakamura (KONAMI)
                          Akiropito (KONAMI)
                          TAMA-CHANG (KONAMI)
                          Hiroe Noguchi (KONAMI)
                          Michael Maezawa (KONAMI)
                          Takaharu Ikeda (KONAMI)
                          そこかしこ八木ちゃん (KONAMI)
                          Tokimeki Memorial Game Production Staff [ときめきメモリアル・ゲーム開発スタッフ]

BGM Composers Interview: Takashi Sasugano, Metal Yuhki, nor, Seiya Murai, Jigokuguruma Nakamura, Akiropito, Miki Higashino, Hiroe Noguchi & TAMA-CHANG (pg. 6-9)

Album Stats

Contained in 0 collections
Contained in 0 wish lists
Platforms represented
Sega Saturn, Sony PlayStation


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