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Tribute to COOL!! SHIRO'S SONGBOOK 2.5

Catalog Number PICL-1211
Barcode 4988102196554
Release Date Apr 25, 2001
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 2625 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Vocal, Original Work
LabelPioneer / /
PublisherPIONEER LDC, INC. / /


Composed by / Shiro SAGISU /
Arranged by / Shiro SAGISU /
Featuring / LOREN, Ian Pitter, Hazel Fernandes, Bazil Meade, Jennifer Ingram-Brown, Rd, Freedom Gospel Choir, Royal Mirrorball Orchestra
Featured Orchestra / Royal Mirrorball Orchestra
    Concertmaster / Tetsuya Ochiai / (1st violin), Eric Miyashiro / (1st trumpet)
Lead Vocals / LOREN, Hazel Fernandes, Bazil Meade, Jennifer Ingram-Brown, Ian Pitter, Freedom Gospel Choir (LOREN, Marion Powell, Michelle John-Douglas, Evette Briscoe, Dawn Martin, Jennifer Ingram-Brown, Ian Pitter, Paul Lee, Trevor Johnson)
Backing Vocals / LOREN, Hazel Fernandes, Bazil Meade, Jennifer Ingram-Brown, Ian Pitter, Michelle Dixon, Junko Hirotani / , Niqi's choir, Gina Foster, Derek Green, Evette Briscoe, Freedom Gospel Choir (LOREN, Marion Powell, Michelle John-Douglas, Evette Briscoe, Dawn Martin, Jennifer Ingram-Brown, Ian Pitter, Paul Lee, Trevor Johnson)
Choir / Freedom Gospel Choir (LOREN, Marion Powell, Michelle John-Douglas, Evette Briscoe, Dawn Martin, Jennifer Ingram-Brown, Ian Pitter, Paul Lee, Trevor Johnson)
MC / Ian Pitter
DJ / Ian Pitter
Rap / Rd
Lyrics / Patrick Nugier, Mike Wyzgowski
Piano / Mark Walker
Hammond Organ / John Octeve
Synthesizers / Shiro SAGISU /
Synthesizers Programming / Shiro SAGISU / , Martin Lascelles, Nicholas St-Victor BROWN
Drums Programming / Shiro SAGISU / , Martin Lascelles, Nicholas St-Victor BROWN
Guitar / Andrew Smith
Bass / Jerome Brown, Roy Johnson
Drums / Verloy Baily
Percussions / Karlos Edwards
Harp / Tomoyuki Asakawa /
Strings / Gavyn Wright and London Session Orchestra, Royal Mirrorball Orchestra, Masahiro Kawagucci
1st Violin / Tetsuya Ochiai /
Brass Section / Royal Mirrorball Orchestra
1st Trumpet / Eric Miyashiro /
Trumpet Ad-lib Solos / Eric Miyashiro /
Tenor Sax Ad-lib Solos / Osamu Koike /
Fender Rhodes Ad-lib Solos / Masanori Sasaji /
Orchestra / Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted by / Masamichi Amano /
Produced by / Shiro SAGISU / for Ro-JAM ltd
Co-produced by / Martin Lascelles, Nicholas St-Victor BROWN
Recorded by / Masahiro Kawagucci, Philip Bagenal, Martin Lascelles
Recorded at / UNIVERSOUL 999 studio Tokyo, EASTCOTE studios London, DE-MIX studio London
Brass Recorded by / Masahiro Kawagucci
Orchestral Recorded by / Masahiro Kawagucci, Andrzej Sasin for CD ACCORD
Brass Recorded at / LITTLE BACH studio Tokyo
Strings Recorded at / LITTLE BACH studio Tokyo
Orchestra Recorded at / LITTLE BACH studio Tokyo, Warsaw Philharmonic Hall
Rap Recorded by / Martin Lascelles
Rap Recorded at / DE-MIX studio London
Mixed by / Marcellus Fernandes, Martin Lascelles
Mixed at / METROPOLIS studios London, DE-MIX studio London, OLYMPIC studios London
Mastered by / Herb Powers Jr., Tim Young
Co-ordinated by / Kiyoshi "KC" Matsuo / (Never Too Much Productions), Yuiko Mukaino / (Ro-JAM), Yukiko Tanimoto / (Ro-JAM), Osami Sugiyama (Pioneer LDC), Masakazu Sakuma / (Fivenine Factory), Haruo Yoda / (UNIVERSOUL), Tamotsu Suzuki / (UNIVERSOUL), Philip Bagenal (EASTCOTE studios), LOREN, Andrew Smith, Nicholas St-Victor BROWN, Martin Lascelles
Artwork / Kazuhiro Takiya /
Special Thanks / Nobuyuki Hayashi (NIPPON MENARD COSMETIC CO., LTD), Shinya Takiguchi (NIPPON MENARD COSMETIC CO., LTD), Hideaki Tsuruta (HAKUHODO Inc.), Shinichi Toyama (HAKUHODO Inc.), Shobei Katsuno (HAKUHODO Inc.), Nobumoto Okawauchi (SUTTON PLACE Inc.), Naoki Fukada (KATO SHOJI Inc.), Shoji Kato / (KATO SHOJI Inc.), MENARD


Disc 1

01 JUPIER Tribute to COOL =master= 5:40
02 You are Not Mine to Hold 4:32
03 Sing the Blues 5:36
04 Fly 2000 5:58
05 Sweet Inspiration =our version= 6:00
06 Why Pretend =mad marcy mix= 5:53
07 JUPIER Tribute to COOL =acid jazz mix= 5:43
08 Sing a Song =80's radio= 16:36
Disc length 55:58



Produced,composed and arranged by Shiro SAGISU for Ro-JAM Ltd


Co-oridinated by Kiyoshi "KC" MATSUO (Never Too Much Productions), Yukio MUKAINO(Ro-JAM), Yukio TANIMOTO(Ro-JAM), Osami SAUGIYAMA (Pioneer LDC), Masakazu SAKUMA (Fivenine Factory), Haruo YODA (UNIVERSOUL), Tamotsu SUZUKI(UNIVERSOUL), Philip BAGENAL (EASTCOTE studios), LOREN, Andrew Smith, Nicholas St-Victor BROWN, and Martin LASCELLES

Artwork by Kazuhiro TAKIYA

Special thanks to Nobuyuki Hayashi (NIPPON MENARD COSMETIC CO.LTD), Shinya Takiguchi (NIPPON MENARD COSMETIC CO.LTD), Hideaki Tsuruta (HAKUDHODO) Inc.), Shohei Katsuno (HAKUDHODO) Inc.),
Nobumtoto Okawuchi (SUTTON PLACE Inc.), Noaki Fukada and Shoji Kato (KATO SHOJI Inc.)

JUPIER Tribute to COOL

Lead and backing vocals : LOREN
MC and backing vocals : Ian PITTER
Backing vocals : Jennifer INGRAM-BROWN, Michelle DIXON, Junko HIROTANI
Lyrics : Patrick NUGIFER and Mike WYZGOWSKI
Guitar : Andrew SMITH
Strings section : Gavyn WRIGHT and London Session Orchestra
Brass section : Royal Mirrorball
Trumpet ad-lib solos : Eric MIYASHIRO
Tenor sax ad-lib solos : Osamu KOIKE

Recorded by Masahiro KAWAGUCCI at UNIVERSOUL 999 studio Tokyo
Recorded by Philip BAGENAL at EASTCOTE studos London
Mixed by Marcellus FERNANDES at METROPOLIS studios London

You are Not Mine to hold

Leaf and backing vocals : Hazel FERNANDES
Co-produced by Martin LASCELLES
Lyrics : Mike WYZGOWSKI
Drums and synthesizers programming : Martin LASCELLES

Recorded and mixed by Martin LASCELLES at DE-MIX studio London

Sing the Blues

Lead and backing vocals : Basil MEADE
Backing Vocals : Niqi's choir
Co-produced by Nicholas St-Victor BROWN
Drums and synthesizers programming, lyrics: Nicholas St-Victor BROWN
Guitar : Andrew SMITH
Bass : Jerome BROWN
Strings section : Gavyn WRIGHT and London Session Orchestra
Brass section : Royal Mirrorball Orchestra

Recorded by Philip BAGENAL at EASTCOTE studios London
Brass recorded by Masahiro KAWAGUCCI at LITTLE BACH studio Tokyo
Mixed by Marcellus FERNANDES at OLYMPIC studios London

Fly 2000

Lead and backing vocals : Jennifer INGRAM BROWN
Rap : Rd
Lyrics : Mike WYZGOWSKI
Backing vocals : Gina FOSTER and Derek GREEN
Synthensizers and drums programming :
Guitar : Andrew SMITH
Strings section : Royal Mirrorball Orchestra
Fender rhodies ad-lib solos: Masanori SASAJI

Recorded by Philip BAGENAL at EASTCOTE studios London
Pap recorded by Martin LASCELLES at DE-MIX studio London
Strings recorded by Masahiro KAWAGUCCI at LITTLE BACH studio Tokyo
Mixed by Marcellus FERNANDES at OLYMPIC studios London

Sweet Inspiration

Lead and choir : Freedom Gospel Choir = LOREN, Marion POWELL, Michelle JOHN-DOUGLAS, Evette BRISCOE, Dawn MARTIN, Jennifer INGRAM-BROWN, Ian PITTER, Paul LEE, and Trevor JOHNSON
Lyrics : Mike WYZGOWSKI
Piano : Mark WALKER
Hammond Organ : John OCTEVE
Synthesizers : Shiro SAGISU
Guitar : Andrew SMITH
Bass : Roy Johnson
Drums : Verloy BAILY
Percussions : Karlos EDWARDS
Strings Section : Royal Mirrorball Orchestra
Brass section : Royal Mirrorball Orchestra

Recorded by Philip BAGENAL at EASTCOTE studios London
Royal Mirrorball recorded by Masahiro KAWAGUCCI at LITTLE BACH studio Tokyo
Mixed by Marcellus FERNANDES at OLYMPIC studios London

Why Pretend

Lead and backing vocals : Ian PITTER
Backing vocals : LOREN, Evette BRISCOE and Jennifer INGRAM-BROWN and Freedom Gospel Choir
Lyrics : Mike WYZGOWSKI
Synthensizers and drums programming :
Guitar : Andrew SMITH
Strings section : Royal Mirrorball Orchestra
Brass section : Royal Mirrorball Orchestra

Recorded by Philip BAGENAL at EASTCOTE studios London
Royal Mirrorball recorded by Masahiro KAWAGUCCI at LITTLE BACH studio Tokyo
Mixed by Marcellus FERNANDES at OLYMPIC studios London

Sing a Song =80's radio=

Featuring orchestra : Royal Mirrorball Orchestra
Concert master : Tetuya OCHIAI (1st violin) and Eric MIYASHIRO
Backing vocals : LOREN, Evette BRISCOE, Jennifer INGRAM-BROWN and Freedom Gospel Choir

The second half of this track is an orchestral rearrangement of "Soichiro Arima i <A-6>" and "Yukino Miyazawa V <A-7>" from the anime "His and Her Circumstances.

80's radio DJ: Ian PITTER
Synthesizers and drums programming : Shiro Sagisu
Guitar : Andrew SMITH
Harp : Tomoyuki ASAKAWA
Real full orchestra on the radio: Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra
Warsaw orchestra conducted by Masamichi AMANO

Recorded by Philip BAGENAL at EASTCOTE studios London
Royal Mirrorball recorded by Masahiro KAWAGUCCI at LITTLE BACH studio Tokyo
Orchestral recorded by ANDREZEJ SASIN for CD ACCORD at Warsaw Philharmonic Hall
Mixed by Marcellus FERNANDES at OLYMPIC studios London

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