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Promise! Rhythm! Paradise!

プロミス! リズム! パラダイス!


Vocals / Nichika Ohmori / , Madoka Asahina / , Minami Tanaka / , Nanami Yamashita / , Azuki Shibuya / , Yuki Wakai / , Yui Makino / , Yui Watanabe / , Asami Sanada / , Yuina Yamada / , Mitsuki Saiga / , Arisa Date / , You Taichi / , Himika Akaneya / , Yu Serizawa / , Miyu Kubota / , Saki Yamakita / , Chinatsu Akasaki / , Azusa Sato / , Seiichiro Yamashita / , Tatsuyuki Kobayashi / , Reiou Tsuchida /
Lyricist / Ameko Kodama / , Junko Miyajima / (SUPA LOVE), Erica Masaki / , MIKE Sugiyama, Yohei Matsui
Composer / michitomo, hisakuni (SUPA LOVE), Koji Matsuzaka / (SUPA LOVE), Tsukasa Yatoki / (Arte Refact), Yuki Honda / (Arte Refact), Rei Ishizuka / , Atsushi Harada / (Arte Refact), Tsukasa Yatoki / (Arte Refact)
Arranger / KOJI oba, Syuhei Takahashi (SUPA LOVE), Koji Matsuzaka / (SUPA LOVE), Masatomi Waki / (Arte Refact), Yuki Honda / (Arte Refact), Rei Ishizuka / , Takuya Sakai / (Arte Refact), Tsukasa Yatoki / (Arte Refact)
Guitar / Kentaro Fujii / , Masato Katori / , ZENTA, Masatomi Waki / (Arte Refact), Masaaki Sasaki /
Bass / Shinji Matsumoto / , Naoki Kobayashi /
Strings / Asuka Kobayashi /
Chorus / Hitomi Miyahara /
All Other Instruments / KOJI oba, Syuhei Takahashi (SUPA LOVE), Koji Matsuzaka / (SUPA LOVE), Masatomi Waki / (Arte Refact), Yuki Honda / (Arte Refact), Rei Ishizuka / , Takuya Sakai / (Arte Refact), Tsukasa Yatoki / (Arte Refact)
Programming / KOJI oba, Syuhei Takahashi (SUPA LOVE), Koji Matsuzaka / (SUPA LOVE), Masatomi Waki / (Arte Refact), Yuki Honda / (Arte Refact), Rei Ishizuka / , Takuya Sakai / (Arte Refact), Tsukasa Yatoki / (Arte Refact)
Recording Engineer / Yohei Horiuchi / , Yamato Ito / (SUPA LOVE), Tsukasa Kikuchi / (Arte Refact), Ryo Kanai / , Norihiko Katsumata / (NK SOUND TOKYO)
Mixing Engineer / michitomo, Yamato Ito / (SUPA LOVE), Tsukasa Kikuchi / (Arte Refact), Ryo Kanai /
Mixing Studio / Tune Studio
Vocal Directed by / Nobuyoshi Kohama / (Arte Refact), Erica Masaki / , Satoru Kuwabara / (Arte Refact)
Music Produced by / michitomo
Sound Produced by / Syuhei Takahashi (SUPA LOVE), Koji Matsuzaka / (SUPA LOVE), Satoru Kuwabara / (Arte Refact)
Creative Coordinate / Hiroaki Yokoshima / (SUPA LOVE), Hajime Toma / (IMAGINE)
Mastering / Kazuhiro Yamagata /
Mastering at / Office King Craft
Art Direction / BALCOLONY.
Products Coordinator / Masahiko Sato /
Sales Promotion / Chiho Okada, Sachiko Doi /
Promotion / Izumi Hyakuta, Megumi Takeuchi /
Director / Risa Kawashima /
Executive Producer / Hideo Katsumata /
Special Thanks / T-ARTS / , Tatsunoko Pro / , ALL PRIPARA STAFF, and YOU!!!


Disc 1

01 ゴー! ゴー! ゴージャスー! 4:28
02 かりすま~とGIRL☆Yeah! 3:20
03 Ha Cha Me Cha テレパシー 4:44
04 し~くれっと! ラタトゥイユ 4:39
05 リザーブ・ザ・リバース! 4:18
06 スター☆ア・ラ・カルト 4:51
07 嘘つきはTomorrowの始まり 3:34
08 メイクマニー・メイクドリーム 4:39
09 ピュア・ハート・カレンダー 4:42
10 神曲! ~Gaarmage Tourism~ 4:53
11 スパイシー♪ホット*ケーキ!!! 4:19
12 Crew-Sing! Friend-Ship♡ 4:49
Disc length 53:16




  Vocals: Chili & Shuka (cv. Nichika Ohmori & Madoka Asahina)
  Lyrics by Ameko Kodama
  Music by michitomo
  Arranged by KOJI oba
  All Other Instrument & Programming: KOJI oba
  Recording Engineer: Yohei Horiuchi
  Recording Studio at STUDIO Somewhere
  Mixed by michitomo
  Music Produced by michitomo

  Vocals: NonSugar (cv. Minami Tanaka, Nichika Ohmori, Nanami Yamashita)
  Lyrics by Junko Miyajima (SUPA LOVE)
  Music by hisakuni (SUPA LOVE)
  Arranged by Syuhei Takahashi (SUPA LOVE)
  All Other Instrument & Programming: Syuhei Takahashi (SUPA LOVE)
  Recording Studio at SUPA LOVE STUDIO
  Recording & Mix Engineer: Yamato Ito (SUPA LOVE)
  Sound Produced by Syuhei Takahashi (SUPA LOVE)
  Creative Coordinate: Hiroaki Yokoshima (SUPA LOVE)

  Vocals: Dorothy & Reona (cv. Azuki Shibuya & Yuki Wakai)
  Lyrics by Junko Miyajima (SUPA LOVE)
  Music & Arranged by Koji Matsuzaka (SUPA LOVE)
  Guitar: Kentaro Fujii
  All Other Instrument & Programming: Koji Matsuzaka (SUPA LOVE)
  Recording Studio at SUPA LOVE STUDIO
  Recording & Mix Engineer: Yamato Ito (SUPA LOVE)
  Sound Produced by Koji Matsuzaka (SUPA LOVE)
  Creative Coordinate: Hiroaki Yokoshima (SUPA LOVE)

  Vocals: Gaarmageddon Mi (cv. Yui Makino, Yui Watanabe, Asami Sanada, Yuina Yamada)
  Lyrics by Erica Masaki
  Music by Tsukasa Yatoki (Arte Refact)
  Arranged by Masatomi Waki (Arte Refact)
  All Other Instrument & Programming: Masatomi Waki (Arte Refact)
  Recording & Mix Engineer: Tsukasa Kikuchi (Arte Refact)
  Recording Studio at NK SOUND TOKYO
  Mixing Studio at Tune Studio
  Vocal Directed by Nobuyoshi Kohama (Arte Refact)
  Sound Produced by Satoru Kuwabara (Arte Refact)

  Vocals: NonSugar (cv. Minami Tanaka, Nichika Ohmori, Nanami Yamashita)
  Lyrics by Erica Masaki
  Music & Arranged by Yuki Honda (Arte Refact)
  Guitar: Masato Katori
  All Other Instrument & Programming: Yuki Honda (Arte Refact)
  Recording & Mix Engineer: Tsukasa Kikuchi (Arte Refact)
  Recording Studio at NK SOUND TOKYO
  Mixing Studio at Tune Studio
  Vocal Directed by Nobuyoshi Kohama (Arte Refact)
  Sound Produced by Satoru Kuwabara (Arte Refact)

  Vocals: Doromageddon Hi (cv. Azuki Shibuya, Mitsuki Saiga, Yui Makino)
  Lyrics by Junko Miyajima (SUPA LOVE)
  Music & Arranged by Koji Matsuzaka (SUPA LOVE)
  Guitar: Kentaro Fujii
  All Other Instrument & Programming: Koji Matsuzaka (SUPA LOVE)
  Recording Studio at SUPA LOVE STUDIO
  Recording & Mix Engineer: Yamato Ito (SUPA LOVE)
  Sound Produced by Koji Matsuzaka (SUPA LOVE)
  Creative Coordinate: Hiroaki Yokoshima (SUPA LOVE)

  Vocals: Hibiki (cv. Mitsuki Saiga)
  Lyrics by MIKE Sugiyama
  Music & Arranged by Rei Ishizuka
  Guitar: ZENTA
  Bass: Shinji Matsumoto
  Chorus: Hitomi Miyahara
  All Other Instrument & Programming: Rei Ishizuka
  Recording & Mix Engineer: Ryo Kanai
  Recording Studio at VICTOR STUDIO
  Creative Coordinate: Hajime Toma (IMAGINE)

  Vocals: Shuka (cv. Madoka Asahina)
  Lyrics by Ameko Kodama
  Music by michitomo
  Arranged by KOJI oba
  All Other Instrument & Programming: KOJI oba
  Recording Engineer: Yohei Horiuchi
  Recording Studio at STUDIO Somewhere
  Mixed by michitomo
  Music Produced by michitomo

  Vocals: MY☆DREAM (cv. Arisa Date, You Taichi, Yuina Yamada)
  Lyrics by Erica Masaki
  Music by Yuki Honda (Arte Refact)
  Arranged by Masatomi Waki (Arte Refact)
  Guitar: Masatomi Waki (Arte Refact)
  Bass: Naoki Kobayashi
  All Other Instrument & Programming: Masatomi Waki (Arte Refact)
  Recording Engineer: Norihiko Katsumata (NK SOUND TOKYO)
  Recording & Mix Engineer: Tsukasa Kikuchi (Arte Refact)
  Recording Studio at NK SOUND TOKYO
  Mixing Studio at Tune Studio
  Vocal Directed by Erica Masaki
  Sound Produced by Satoru Kuwabara (Arte Refact)

  Vocals: Gaarmageddon (cv. Yui Makino, Yui Watanabe, Asami Sanada)
  Lyrics by Yohei Matsui
  Music by Atsushi Harada (Arte Refact)
  Arranged by Takuya Sakai (Arte Refact)
  Guitar: Masaaki Sasaki
  All Other Instrument & Programming: Takuya Sakai (Arte Refact)
  Recording & Mix Engineer: Tsukasa Kikuchi (Arte Refact)
  Recording Studio at NK SOUND TOKYO
  Mixing Studio at Tune Studio
  Vocal Directed by Nobuyoshi Kohama (Arte Refact)
  Sound Produced by Satoru Kuwabara (Arte Refact)

  Vocals: NonSugar (cv. Minami Tanaka, Nichika Ohmori, Nanami Yamashita)
  Lyrics by Yohei Matsui
  Music & Arranged by Yuki Honda (Arte Refact)
  All Other Instrument & Programming: Yuki Honda (Arte Refact)
  Recording & Mix Engineer: Tsukasa Kikuchi (Arte Refact)
  Recording Studio at NK SOUND TOKYO
  Mixing Studio at Tune Studio
  Vocal Directed by Satoru Kuwabara (Arte Refact)
  Sound Produced by Satoru Kuwabara (Arte Refact)

  Vocals: PRI-Crew Friends (cv. Himika Akaneya, Yu Serizawa, Miyu Kubota, Saki Yamakita, Azuki Shibuya, Yuki Wakai,
              Yui Makino, Yui Watanabe, Asami Sanada, Mitsuki Saiga, Chinatsu Akasaki, Azusa Sato, Minami Tanaka, Nichika Ohmori,
              Nanami Yamashita, Arisa Date, You Taichi, Yuina Yamada, Madoka Asahina, Seiichiro Yamashita, Tatsuyuki Kobayashi, Reiou Tsuchida)
  Lyrics by Yohei Matsui
  Music & Arranged by Tsukasa Yatoki (Arte Refact)
  Guitar: Masaaki Sasaki
  Strings: Asuka Kobayashi
  All Other Instrument & Programming: Tsukasa Yatoki (Arte Refact)
  Recording & Mix Engineer: Tsukasa Kikuchi (Arte Refact)
  Recording Studio at NK SOUND TOKYO
  Mixing Studio at Tune Studio
  Vocal Directed by Satoru Kuwabara (Arte Refact), Nobuyoshi Kohama (Arte Refact)
  Sound Produced by Satoru Kuwabara (Arte Refact)


Art Direction & Design = BALCOLONY.
Products Coodinator = Masahiko Sato

Mastering by Kazuhiro Yamagata
Mastering at Office King Craft

Sales Promotion = Chiho Okada, Sachiko Doi
Promotion = Izumi Hyakuta, Megumi Takeuchi
Director = Risa Kawashima
Executive Producer = Hideo Katsumata

T-ARTS, Tatsunoko Pro and ALL PRIPARA STAFF and YOU!!!

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