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Mayumi Ikemizu
池水 真由美 (いけみず まゆみ)
AliasesThree Berry Icecream
Other Spellings
BirthdateNot available
BirthplaceNot available
Credited works
10 albums in database
9 lyricist 4 artist 3 vocals 3 featured artist 2 performer 1 glockenspiel
No notes available for this artist.
2000 |
03.03 |
pop'n music3 V.S. pop'n stage / ポップンミュージック3 V.S. ポップンステージ / pop'n music3 V.S. pop'n stage KMCA-49~50 Lyricist, Artist (as Three Berry Icecream) |
2001 |
06.27 |
pop'n music 6 original soundtrack / ポップンミュージック6 オリジナル サウンドトラック / pop'n music 6 original soundtrack KMCA-112 Lyricist, Artist (as Three Berry Icecream) |
2002 |
05.01 |
GUITAR FREAKS 7thMIX & drummania 6thMIX Soundtracks / ギターフリークスセブンスミックス&ドラムマニアシックススミックス サウンドトラックス / GUITAR FREAKS 7thMIX & drummania 6thMIX Soundtracks KMCA-158 Glockenspiel, Vocals, Lyricist, Featured Artist (as Three Berry Icecream) |
2003 |
03.19 |
GUITARFREAKS & drummania BEST TRACKS / ギターフリークス&ドラムマニア ベスト・トラックス / GUITARFREAKS & drummania BEST TRACKS KOLA-023~4 Performer, Lyricist |
2005 |
02.25 |
marble / TOMOSUKE / marble / TOMOSUKE / marble / TOMOSUKE LC1363 Performer, Lyricist |
04.13 |
pop'n music 12 Iroha AC ♥ CS pop'n music 10 / pop'n music 12 いろは AC ♥ CS pop'n music 10 / pop'n music 12 Iroha AC ♥ CS pop'n music 10 KOLA-094~6 Vocals (as three berry icecream), Artist (as three berry icecream) |
2007 |
12.14 |
BEMANI BEST for the 10th anniversary / BEMANI BEST for the 10th anniversary / BEMANI BEST for the 10th anniversary LC1613~7 Lyricist |
2009 |
08.21 |
marble -Re Edition- / TOMOSUKE / marble -Re Edition- / TOMOSUKE / marble -Re Edition- / TOMOSUKE LC1785 Vocals, Lyricist, Artist (as Three Berry Icecream) |
2014 |
03.19 |
Bitter Sweet Girls! / HinaBitter♪ / Bitter Sweet Girls! / ひなビタ♪ / Bitter Sweet Girls! / HinaBitter♪ GFCA-359 Lyricist |
2015 |
12.23 |
Five Drops 01 -sunny orange- Marika Yamagata / Five Drops 01 -sunny orange- 山形まり花 / CV:日高里菜 / Five Drops 01 -sunny orange- Yamagata Marika / CV:Hidaka Rina LC2271 Lyricist |
Referenced on 1 album
Jan 25, 2010 06:07 PM
Jan 25, 2010 06:07 PM
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