Thread: Notes Standard
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Old Jan 7, 2012, 01:21 PM
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Secret Squirrel Secret Squirrel is offline
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I know we spent a lot of time spinning our wheels over standards in the past, and we did come to some consensuses, but we (or specifically me), got so bogged down by it all that I just didn't want to look at it anymore. However, our current guideline text for Notes doesn't really say much, so perhaps there is room for some improvement. Ultimately, most regular submitters already follow by example, and it's a continual challenge to get newcomers to add notes at all.

When I assemble credits, I prefer something akin to Myrkul's example 3.
Disc <disc number>
M<track number> - from platform genre 'product name'
role: artist
role: artist, artist

I used to separate roles with slashes, but I don't really like that anymore. I also prefer a carriage return in between each track for my old eyes. I think abbreviated credits are fine for stuff like this:
Composer: John Q. Public (1~31, 33-50), John Doe (32)
rather than listing each track singly, for 3*50=150 lines of page real estate. There's definitely some point beyond which you should never use the abbreviated credits though.

Originally Posted by dancey
This is why I have taken to posting in the album thread with the notes I'm about to overwrite if it looks like someone took a significant amount of time to write them up or they seem important enough that someone might want to roll it back from my changes.
I appreciate this, and hope that more people will do it.
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