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Old Apr 5, 2012, 04:36 PM
Hellacia Hellacia is offline
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It does look awful, I certainly wouldn't disagree with that. I would just say it's the nature of romaji to look... well, awful... just like it's the nature of any tracklist directly transcribed with errors and such to look awful, but it's still official. We do things officially that look awful all the time - Synphonic Suite from Actraiser, THEME OF ADORU 1993, Dike,I'm home, Adrenaline Blowouts The Fear... all of those have either misspellings, bad capitalization, bad spacing, bad romanization, bad English, or a combination of those things. Yet we do them because they're official. I don't understand why we want to do those terribly, god-awful-looking things officially but we don't want to do romanization, which is terrible and god-awful-looking, officially. This just sounds like the same reason we should now fix all those sorts of errors we officially transcribe - why shouldn't we?

Sure, it is in our power to do romanization one way or another, based on which standard we want to choose, but romanization still has those standards - it's not all totally up in the air to do however you want, even if Phonograph likes to think he can rewrite the romanization standards because he wants it to be cute. If you really just dislike romaji that much, I'll let this go. The only reason I've been so adamant about this is because I really believe that being so picky and choosy about when we are official makes us look slightly hypocritical and unprofessional, and I dislike it. But if it is the final word that we are going to add translations in with romanizations, then so be it. I'm not saying that anyone who romanizes that way is an idiot, it's just inconsistent with how officially we do things.

Last edited by Hellacia; Apr 5, 2012 at 04:51 PM.
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