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Old Apr 16, 2014, 12:07 AM
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waxattax waxattax is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 53

Exactly. A valid question, too. I hadn't considered how that may come across.
There were a few reasons I chose Xs in lieu of numbers. First and foremost I wanted to thank Chris by detailing my experience, my way of leaving him positive feedback, so others could know what to expect. Including the specific number of my Anthology seemed to limit the situation more than I wanted to. Conversely, including my location seemed pertinent to gauge shipping times.
Second, if these were mailed sequentially I didn't want anyone to read my post as being indicative of how many units may still be available. I've gotten too busy wondering exactly this and walked away empty-handed as a result. I suppose I was considering folks who get lost in the details like I do sometimes.
Third, and this goes along with both points, it is my personal copy. There's something really cool about a numbered item beyond its limited availability. In my mind opting to keep this number to myself is its own neat little bonus.

But have you ever killed three birds with one stone? I've certainly tried!
Some may interpret XXXX/2500 as a possible reprint or even a counterfeit which is not the case. I'm glad you asked. I hope this clears things up.

Also, I wanted to specify that the USB stick was not included. It sounds as though that was a pledge level bonus same as the t-shirt, poster, vinyl and Turrican ride. I may have made that last one up.

Last edited by waxattax; Apr 17, 2014 at 01:34 AM.
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