Thread: Moving forward
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Old Feb 17, 2010, 08:31 PM
Omnomnomnom Omnomnomnom is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Ireland
Posts: 52

Do you have a suggestion as to how the visibility of this "play in playlist" feature could be improved? Should the text be bigger? Should it be a text-only link? Should there be a bigger graphic? Should it be located below the grids?

Also, as to the issue of music at the top, I'm aware of that issue and plan to correct it in the next release at your suggestion.

Edited: This issue has been resolved, and the changes will be available in the next release. You can view the latest code at
Eh, no, I'm not a designer, was just saying that if you have to show someone how to do something simple by having them read the helpfile, it's not very welcoming. I'd help, but I'd have to give it a lot of thought and I'd probably be wrong, lol. The best I can hope to do is comment on suggestions atm.