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Old Nov 8, 2011, 11:46 AM
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Secret Squirrel Secret Squirrel is offline
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Originally Posted by Cedille View Post
I'd nice to be able to link product to companies, too.
I hadn't considered that connection. We wouldn't be able to completely cover that, unless we permit addition of companies that have no publishing or distribution credits for albums

Originally Posted by Cedille View Post
Btw, have we ever considered changing the "Related Albums" section where currently only the albums sharing the exact same text are shown up? Because of this, if someone writes more than one product name in an entry, the section doesn't work well as intended. I've never wrote any server side script, but I think we could just separate the string at the product field by comma, assign each of them to an array, and run SQL commands to search the database. The possible issues with this is it might often return more than 10 results which seems to be the maximum one page can display, and how to handle a product which include a comma in its name (I doubt there are so many, but I know some)
We've considered it, but need to come up with a formula -- something like a weighted index that includes product-similarity, artist-similarity, classification-similarity, and similar rating by the same raters. That would be too slow to compute each time an album page is loaded, so it would have to be cached and run daily.

I also forgot a few details above about distinguishing release-links and different classifications of product links on the album page.
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