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Old Feb 23, 2010, 12:25 AM
Cedille Cedille is offline
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My issue with the [... / Artist Name] thing is that the slash is often not printed on the front cover or spine. I feel we add it mostly because we follow how online stores or such list their J-pop singles and albums. Even if the artist name is printed somewhere with the slash, one can still argue it's not a part of the album title. In addition, this slash makes it harder to handle double A-side singles unless we use two slashes like [A-side track name / A-side track name / Artist Name]. We can still omit one of the two A-side track names, but considering that double A-side means both tracks are even, I'm not sure it's appropriate. For these reasons, I'd go so far as to suggest the exclusion of the artist name, but I know this is a big change, and as stated it's certainly useful in some regards (suckers for specific vocalists would certainly prefer the inclusion, I guess).

Originally Posted by IRA View Post
Seems unnecessary, the Japanese (from what I've seen) have little problem with English titles. But what about cases like ALiCE'S EMOTiON albums where he provides a katakana title, should that still be added as an extra title? I personally feel it's unnecessary because like I said the Japanese use the English title (or the English title in conjunction with the katakana title.)
Even though it always returns far less results, I for one search albums by Japanese quite often because even one word isn't discarded. Also, there are many titles I often can't spell correctly in English and is puzzled by zero results and then have to try again in Katakana (BEYONETTA, SOUL CALIBER, BLAZEBLUE or Assasin Creed...). By no means I claim this is the average language skill of people in Eastern, and even so, we just have to check the correct spellings, to begin with. It's at least extremely useful to let every album have Japanese titles, though. I don't think the original line is the best place because it's often unclear which is the original, while we (me included) often add the Japanese title to the second line. Perhaps the alternate line, but I think it can ideally be placed the best in a dedicated line because it also can serve as the original line when the Japanese title is printed on the front cover, but I understand it's too daunting to add Japanese to every release, and we probably don't need to give visitors from one particular regions such special treatments.
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