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Old Aug 7, 2014, 01:49 AM
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leatherhead333 leatherhead333 is offline
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Maybe I'm under the wrong impression but don't most publishers have this stuff planned out way ahead of time? I follow ANN and there is almost always news about OVAs, Specials etc. being included before the enclosures can even be purchased. So I think it's safe to assume if they ever planned on a release they wouldn't just go "nah didn't sell enough". I also don't see a reason to cancel the OST release if the anime simply got delayed. There has to be more too it than that.

Devil Survivor
Freezing Vibration
Genei wo Kakeru Taiyo
Samurai Flamenco
Golden Time (this was also published by Starchild by the way)
Tokyo Ravens
Crime Edge

All these shows had really bad sales numbers but still saw an enclosure release. While a companies methods probably vary I just don't think that most of them don't already have this stuff planned out regardless of bad or good sales.
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