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Old Oct 24, 2010, 09:41 PM
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HarukameiKasumo HarukameiKasumo is offline
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Lightbulb Rockman X 1 Composer Discussion

Having seen some posts talking about breakdown information of other games, i am interested in and thought i would try see what we could get out of talking about Rockman X music.

Now let's get down to business. :P

The first two that i can quite clearly confirm, though without proof from someone from capcom or an actual composer himself/herself, is that Storm Eagle is definitely from Setsuo Yamamoto considering its similarities to the theme of Cyclops from X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse, and Boomer Kuwanger by observation and comparison is most definitely the works of Yuko Kadota/Takehara. I suspect that Launch Octopus is also from Yuko and that Spark Mandrill is from Setsuo. Sting Chameleon is also certainly from Setsuo. Chill Penguin might also be from Yuko due to one melody resembling that of Riverside Stage from Mighty Final Fight. Armored Armadillo is one i would like to know, I want to say Yuki Satomura/Iwai, however, whenever i look into the SPC files, Yuki songs always seem to leave a channel or two out supposedly so sound effects won't interrupt music, and AA does not do this, so unless she decided not to or they told her not to, it probably isn't, but whoever did AA seems to have also done Flame Mammoth. The boss theme sounds like it's probably from Yuko, not so sure about the boss beat theme or the boss intro. I can't exactly say where Makoto and Toshihiko come in to play here, i am not exactly familliar with their works, especially toshihiko, i don't recognize his stuff, nor do i know much of what makoto did, but it seems he did more of the other themes such as ending and cut-scene themes and such cause i hear something about him being one to do classical influenced music. Variable X is either Yuko or Setsuo, it sort of sounds like Shade Man's theme, yet it also sounds like something from X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse. Sigma 1 is Setsuo Yamamoto without a doubt, again, sounds like X-Men MA, also setsuo likes the distortion guitar.

Well, this is all i can consider for now, sorry if i seem a little off sometimes, this is just me making assumptions and trying to pick apart by getting deep into their works.
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