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Old Dec 22, 2017, 12:29 AM
Cellfish Cellfish is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 26

Got my copy of this yesterday and just wanted to add some info about the files included on the disc. They split the tracks into two sections "Orchestral" and "Concert". Tracks 1-10 are the Orchestral Arrangement tracks, and they included both flac and mp3 copies on the disc. Tracks 11-26 are the concert, and they only included those in mp3 format (no flac). This is the full track list copied directly from the tags via Foobar:

祖堅正慶 / Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #01] Orchestral:究極幻想 / Ultima
祖堅正慶 / Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #02] Orchestral:静穏の森 / Serenity
祖堅正慶 / Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #03] Orchestral:試練を超える力 / Calamity Unbound
祖堅正慶 / Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #04] Orchestral:白銀の凶鳥、飛翔せり / Rise of the White Raven
祖堅正慶 / Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #05] Orchestral:不吉なる前兆 / Ominous Prognisticks
祖堅正慶 / Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #06] Orchestral:彩られし山麓 ~高地ドラヴァニア:昼~ / Painted Foothills
祖堅正慶 / Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #07] Orchestral:逆襲の咆哮 / Revenge Twofold
祖堅正慶 / Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #08] Orchestral:メビウス ~機工城アレキサンダー:天動編~ / Moebius
祖堅正慶 / Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #09] Orchestral:英傑 ~ナイツ・オブ・ラウンド討滅戦~ / Heroes
祖堅正慶 / Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #10] Orchestral:忘却の彼方 ~蛮神シヴァ討滅戦~ / Oblivion
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #11] Concert:希望の都 / A New Hope
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #12] Concert:静穏の森 / Serenity
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #13] Concert:極限を超えて / Breaking Boundaries
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #14] Concert:絢爛と破砕 ~クリスタルタワー:シルクスの塔~ / Out of the Shattered Labyrinth
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #15] Concert:究極幻想 / Ultima
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #16] Concert:試練を超える力 / Calamity Unbound
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #17] Concert:白銀の凶鳥、飛翔せり / Rise of the White Raven
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #18] Concert:不吉なる前兆 / Ominous Prognisticks
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #19] Concert:彩られし山麓 ~高地ドラヴァニア:昼~ / Painted Foothills
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #20] Concert:逆襲の咆哮 / Revenge Twofold
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #21] Concert:メビウス ~機工城アレキサンダー:天動編~ / Moebius
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #22] Concert:忘却の彼方 ~蛮神シヴァ討滅戦~ / Oblivion
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #23] Concert:英傑 ~ナイツ・オブ・ラウンド討滅戦~ / Heroes
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #24] Concert:Heavensward / Heavensward
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #25] Concert:そして世界へ / A World Apart
祖堅正慶, Masayoshi Soken - [Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album #26] Concert:天より降りし力 / Torn from the Heavens
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