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Old Feb 1, 2015, 02:38 AM
IJustDontKnowAnymore IJustDontKnowAnymore is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 151

Is it really necessary for the Japanese and English tracklists to have a different name for track 10? Since it was said that the JASRAC names aren't exactly official, and the name in the Japanese tracklist doesn't really even need to be translated, and it is official as it's from the booklet and everything. I know it's not all in English, but is it really necessary for it to be, since the Japanese name isn't? And for the capitalization on some tracks, was it just random? For example, with track 3 "犬Kあ3L", why is it "INUKA3L" in English instead of say, "InuKa3L"?

Last edited by IJustDontKnowAnymore; Feb 1, 2015 at 04:38 AM.
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