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Old Oct 1, 2011, 09:51 AM
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Vert1 Vert1 is offline
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The music that I wanted to listen to is not on the soundtrack. What a fucking joke. Why the hell could they not put it in there? It is far better than the idiotic choice of an intro track or the 1 minute "heaven or hell" song. It's better than most the tracks on here -- certainly far better than the track they have titled as "The Big Boner". I paid $40 and waited a month for a wildly incomplete soundtrack that tops in at 60 minutes. This is not gonna slide.

Looks like I am going to have to write an angry letter to Grasshopper.


With all that out the way, the album is fairly good. In the booklet it says they didn't just "throw a bunch of tracks together" and they are right: the album has great flow. The only bad track is "The Big Boner" which just sounds ugly to the ears. There is a very eery feel to the album; it seems more like a ghost town soundtrack than a Hell soundtrack. The exclusion of the tracks I wanted (the big boner turret music, the weird funky music that plays with the light slug, the difficulty select guitar music, the creepy ambient towards the end of the game) is unnacceptable.

Very good soundtrack that is worthy of being owned.
Before the heavens, before destiny.

Last edited by Vert1; Oct 3, 2011 at 09:36 AM.
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