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Old Dec 21, 2009, 01:13 PM
Omnomnomnom Omnomnomnom is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Ireland
Posts: 52

However, I disagree with you when you said that production shouldn't have been as important as other factors. Production is just another part of writing a song, as is composing the melody or adding harmonies. I say that both composition and production are important to win a competition.
Ah, maybe I wasn't making myself as clear as I could, sorry. I just meant that when you take into account that not everyone has access to the same quality of equipment, a lack of professional sound should be taken with a grain of salt. These tracks are bound to sound better with a budget thrown at them after all, and I think I'd rather listen to good melody without realism than I would realism without a good melody, but it's case dependent. If we were to say that the artist wasn't able to create the sound they wanted, then sure, production plays a strong part, but if everything sounds right together, then it's more the composition that should be taken into account. Just my opinion of course.

And no, I'd agree that the likelihood of a judge choosing Kidd's track would be just as high, it was a good track as much as Prince of Darkness', but my quarrel wasn't with that so much with the idea of open voting in the first place. I'm merely holding my judgment until we've seen more competitions, and I'm looking forward to them!