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Old Aug 30, 2008, 07:54 AM
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Secret Squirrel Secret Squirrel is offline
VGMdb Administrator
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Cleveland, OH
Posts: 8,308

Public editing of the artist pages is almost ready. There are just a few more things I'd like to hammer out. I'll repost them here:

It would be nice to have a notes field, in parallel to the one on the Album pages. I know we put a lot of general info in the discussion, but there are undoubtedly some things that we'd like to condense out of that and display on the artist pages.

Also, we haven't talked much about the biography field. I'd like to open this up as well, but since the discographies are the main focus of the artist pages, I'm thinking that we should limit the bios to something short, probably a paragraph tops summarizing the artist. It'd probably be ideal if these were all original too, instead of lifted from some other site.
Also, I can't remember where on the board it was mentioned, but portrait images for groups now show up on the artist page just like for single artists.
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