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Old Feb 3, 2014, 12:47 AM
SimonJXZ SimonJXZ is offline
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Originally Posted by Phonograph View Post
what capitalization rules?

The capitalization rules that have existed for a very, very long time in the English language. I suggest you get on Google and do some research if you don't know about the capitalization rules in English. Also, I'm sort of misusing the word "rules" because they can vary from reputable source to reputable source and thus they're kind of like really strong guidelines, but they're certainly there.

Now sure, anybody naming anything can use any kind of capitalization they want. Obviously, there is an uncountable amount of CDs whose tracklists are printed in all upper case, all lower case, or just about any other letter case you can think of. I'm just not sure how that makes a real thing in English grammar a "fantasy".
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