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Old Mar 12, 2011, 08:00 AM
Fearin Fearin is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 505

Liontamer: I have some questions, I read on the OverClocked ReMix forums about new torrents for the posted remixes on the horizon, that may have corrected headers, some may have higher bitrate versions and standardized tags.

Will the albums that were released get new torrents?

Will the albums that were released have their tags standardized?

Will the albums that were released get the upgraded bitrates if available?

Will the albums that were released as wavs have their wav files converted to flac, or the ones in flac compressed to level 8 for space saving and less server strain?

This would fix 2 albums, the missingno with the wrong 'drowning blue' mp3 version, and the ANSWER's 'apex in techno' is a broken flac file

Will the game names be on the site itself be checked? Mega Man 5 has Mega Man V on the cover.

It may also be helpful to try and add all the artists/music to musicbrainz
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