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Old Mar 6, 2012, 09:34 PM
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dancey dancey is offline
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From the search page, paste "破天荒遊戯" into the title field (Second input box labeled "作品タイトル"). You'll get two pages worth of results. Unfortunately, you have to click every single entry and then compare the track titles to the titles on the album. The second example links to Razeru no Teema, which has a bunch of variations. It labels "Razeruno Teema" as the primary song, and 5 different label variations (not necessarily from this album). It gives you the composer as 大山 曜 for that particular track.

I've not figured out an easier way to do that. I imagine JASRAC is organized as a database of tracks which would make rights management easier. Album probably is not as important to them as the individual track itself. Although I could just be completely retarded at searching.

Actually I think the more reliable way is to paste the actual track title into the same field and search for it. Sometimes the work isn't related to the track (notice how all the results come back as "破天荒遊戯より" when you search for "破天荒遊戯", I guess they link the album to the tracks that way somehow. But you can search for the individual tracks, like typing "Heartbreaking Romance" it will return one result.

Last edited by dancey; Mar 6, 2012 at 09:41 PM.
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