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Old Aug 15, 2012, 06:23 AM
GoldfishX GoldfishX is offline
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Originally Posted by Jodo Kast View Post

As a general rule, older MUSIC albums are superior to newer ones, with the exception of some concerts and orchestra albums (like Gradius in Classic).
Fixed. But yeah, anyone releasing/producing music should just mirror how music was produced in the late 80's to early 90's to make it sound best on CD. I like how I can literally walk into a music store, buy just about any CD produced during that era and have no issues with how they're produced.

Luckily for me, my personal "golden era" of VGM falls right in that time period.

People that use crappy iPod buds might disagree...I hear well-mastered albums sound bad on them.

On that note, I agree with both you and Jorm about the sound on orchestral albums...the London DQ Suites sound amazing, most other VGM orchestral albums I'm familiar with...well, don't. I've lost track of how many times I've attempted to sit through the Shining Force 2 Symphonic Suite. I'm not as familiar with the mastering on classical/orchestral albums as I am with pop/rock albums, although switching to analytical IEM's have made them far easier to listen to. Most classical/orchestral albums need little to no volume adjustments though, they seem to naturally clock in around 89-90 db.
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