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Old Feb 23, 2017, 08:34 PM
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Originally Posted by dancey View Post
Agree with the first one. For the second, since they're splitting up and doing separate things in the chapter, does "Path" work better than "Road"? I haven't played the game but that doesn't sound absolute, sounds more like a journey/temporarily parting ways? I think a point could even be made for "Separate Paths" but that might be too far of a shift.
What happens is a landslide separates the protagonists, so they go and do war things with their own groups for a while and rejoin in a later chapter. Overworld movement in the game happens along predefined roads between places, so you could make a case for both physical roads or the overall journeys. I don't have a strong preference here between "path" or "road" or what have you.

I kinda like something to the effect of "Separate Paths," to be honest!
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