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Old Jan 30, 2016, 02:48 PM
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Base translation up

- Used translations from DVD pack-in, some comments there
- D2M15 -- 契約印 is like one of those company logos or seals or like a seal of arms type deal so I generically went with "Seal" and left out the part about company. I haven't seen the anime but I imagine this is one of those weird pentagraphic shaped marks or something and maybe it's a seal to something.
- D2M20 -- Eiha is one of the main characters guardians, I don't know why they're calling her "the Promised Land"
- D2M21 -- A lot of discussion about how to properly write "Diita Ryibu" but it's in JASRAC that way. The song sounds like nonsense.
- D2M22~27 are the bonus tracks for the iOS game and most of them didn't pose any romanization problem but D2M27 might not be right. It might be something like Jagru or Ja'gru or something. M26 I have seen translated as "D'natia Empire" in subs but that doesn't seem right.
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