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Old Feb 9, 2010, 03:06 PM
zircon zircon is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 5

OK, really, Shawn? I love your music, but you're saying that because Dave didn't answer a single PM, his ten years of work on OCR don't count? Dave doesn't even answer PMs/IMs/emails from the site staff half the time. It's not something to take personally. He runs and maintains a site that gets hundreds of thousands of visitors per month and which is partnered with VGL, Capcom, Sega, etc. Even setting aside all the external communication, there is a massive amount of internal communication that goes on. The public doesn't see even 1/10 of the stuff that we talk about internally, all of which requires Dave's time.

Yet instead of thinking "hmm, he's probably just busy, that must be why I didn't get a response", you guys jump to the worst conclusion, that he's an elitist asshole intentionally ignoring people that want to help, all because.... uh, what was the reasoning behind that? Oh yeah, he's making millions of dollars off the site. Obviously.

Speaking of this "bad faith" stuff, it's bullshit. The drama that happened 9 years ago, and which spawned VGmix, is dead and gone. It has BEEN dead and gone. Jake posts on OCR and contributes to OCR projects, along with many people from the VGmix community. OCReMixers participated on VGmix 2, when it was around. The Shizz? OCR participates in DoD all the time, shizzies post on OCR and participate in our projects, etc. OneUp Studios? We're doing a collaboration album as we speak with people that 8 years ago probably would have never considered it. OCR has an official presence at MAGfest (and has had one for.. 5 years now?) Everyone in the community has grown up. Quintin has his history wrong.

I especially don't understand the accusation that Dave isn't somehow appreciate of help he's received, but you're also grossly underestimating how much time he's spent by himself. Nobody has ever helped him with the most tedious work involved with the site, the actual coding and design, and I can attest that he puts a great deal of time to it (and, I might add, rarely if ever gets thanked.) I've been contributing to the site for years, as a judge, as a panelist at events, as a mod, etc. I can guarantee that every other person on the site staff would agree that he's NEVER been unappreciative of our help. If anything he's the first person to want to volunteer his OWN time to help promote someone in the community doing something special.

In short, these vague, passive-aggressive rants are doing nothing but digging remixSite deeper and painting its staff as petty, ignorant, and prone to tantrums. If you really want to help yourselves out, you might want to listen to Dave and apologize to him (and the rest of the OCR staff), stop painting yourselves as "victims" of the remix community, and stop throwing out false accusations.