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Old Apr 11, 2012, 12:33 AM
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DXAshram DXAshram is offline
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Originally Posted by Neo_Chip View Post
Is it really worth $130? I spent bout $50 on a jap-ver mint SA2 GC game. What do you guys think? :/

I mean the music is insane...
I'm of the same mind as you, but again, due to the rarity of the item and a decent amount of collectors looking for new copies of the album you're going to run into some ridiculous prices. It all depends on if it's in your budget and if you think having a physical copy of this album is worth it.

Also, no matter where you buy it from, always make sure you have some sort of insurance just in case it does actually turn out to be a bootleg. Most places like Amazon and eBay automatically offer such protections, as does Paypal if you pay for something through it. Selling bootlegged music is illegal, doubly so if the seller tries to pass it off as the genuine article.
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