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Old Mar 5, 2016, 08:48 AM
Blue_Tronic Blue_Tronic is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 4

This thread has been a huge help in my project of tracking down the origin samples of the Donkey Kong Country Series. I have collection of samples I've extracted from the Wavestation, Roland R-8/others. Am I allowed to post them here?

The Wavestation was used for many of DKC2's instruments (many of which were originally from the M1), as well as a few for DKC1. The R-8 was used for all of DKC's drums

There's actually only two metal hits in Misty Menace, but both are played extremely high and extremely low. One is a tambourine (SPARK1 from the R-8 layered with a long noise sound from the JD-800) used in Aquatic Ambience to mimic the sonar sound of a submarine, and the other is some kind of metallic hit (which I haven't been able to locate) most commonly used for the steel keg.
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