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Old Jun 27, 2013, 03:54 PM
Hellacia Hellacia is offline
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To Phonograph: my bad, I don't know what I was thinking about the barcode thing. If you check my latest submissions I've done like a billion of them and I think it's starting to fry my brain.

However, a part of me does want to use the ISBN numbers over the barcode numbers, since I think these types of items are probably more commonly identified by ISBN numbers. For example, I can't search the barcode number in and get the page, but I can get the page by searching the ISBN number. Google also gives 3 or so pages of results across many different sites for the ISBN number, whereas it only gives 2 different sites and then Phonograph's submission for the barcode, 6 results in total. I think the ISBN number is a much better identifier for books like these, but I may also not know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, for now you were right to change my edit back, sorry again about that.
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