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Old Dec 26, 2007, 01:04 AM
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Gigablah Gigablah is offline
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Default Label and organization roles

Before I finalize the interface for adding album roles for labels and organizations, I'd like to get some input on the following:

1. Can "publisher" and "manufacturer" be considered equivalent? Or rather, are there instances of releases where the publisher and manufacturer are explicitly different?

2. Should "retailer" be rolled into "distributor", or should they be two separate roles?

3. I currently have the following organization types (note: not album roles) entered:
  • 0 => Music Label (this can be an imprint or a sublabel as well, depending on the inter-organization relationships defined)
  • 1 => Sound Unit / Studio
  • 2 => Game / Software Company
  • 3 => Media / Entertainment Company (this is for the bigger "parent" groups)
  • 4 => Doujin Group / Independent
  • 5 => Others

There will be a table exclusively for describing relationships between labels and organizations; a sound unit can be associated with a parent game studio or media company; a music label can be an imprint of another music label or a software company, and so on.

As with artists, multiple organizations can be assigned to an album with associated roles.

In the near future, "series" and "products" (games, animation) can be associated with these organization entries as well.

Any refinements, changes or additions to suggest?
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