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Old May 24, 2012, 09:56 AM
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Vert1 Vert1 is offline
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What's nice about negative reviews and trolling* is that it makes people who like the object of derision speak up. Obviously no one likes to have one of their favorite albums or musicians called "shit". This happens on discogs forums a lot where someone posts about "not getting something". People then provide historical background information to the album (comparing it to what was released at the time). Usually it ends up in recommendations to check out another track by the same or a different artist that might better suit the persons taste or a simple "it's not for you" statement. At worst, it ends in people hating each other.

On the latter, there is nothing easier to do than attack someone's credibility instead of focusing on attacking what was written. (Sometimes it is warranted though.) Sometimes it takes a little drama is necessary in getting useful information out of people.

As a community we should try to curb personal attacks so nobody has to read pages of personal rebuttals on what is supposed to be a soundtrack discussion. These personal attacks will generally always be unresolved and can be carried on to other album discussions whereupon we will have to read the same personal attacks and rebuttals. Maybe it is a necessary symptom of music discussion (kept at a minimal) but it's really not that important and leaves people unnecessarily frustrated. So I'd recommend people not focus their energy on it.

* Not accusing anyone here of doing this.
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Last edited by Vert1; May 24, 2012 at 10:26 AM.
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