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Old May 18, 2019, 09:29 PM
Brad Evans II Brad Evans II is offline
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Originally Posted by TerraEpon View Post
...which implies to me that it's nowhere in the original package.
Silly WD and their silliness. I swear.
You're correct, I've seen a complete copy of the game and there is no tracklising anywhere within.

I believe I read somewhere at some point that the reason Working Designs did not include a track listing is they didn't want listeners to "pick and choose" which tracks they listened to based on the names of the tracks alone. They wanted the listener to listen to the entire album as an entire entity.

I don't remember where I read this (it may be in the hardback manual that comes with the game, which does have some hilarious passages in it) but I do remember reading this and this being their reasoning.

I get it, but at the same time I don't. I mean if I dismissed FFV's battle theme "Battle 1" because the name is insanely plebeian, I'd be missing out on one of my favorite battle themes in the series. However, someone not as vested in music MAY be tempted do such a thing.

Also, I kind of have to point out a somewhat related thing regarding titles. I can't stand when people disregard a piece of music BECAUSE of it's title. I gave a dub of an album to a friend and one of the songs was titled "God Is Dead". He deleted the song and never listened to it because of the connotations of the title. However, if you listen to the lyrics of the song, God's not literally dead in the sense of the music's world; in the story of the album God just turns his back on humanity (closing the gates of heaven) because humanity rejects his divine plan by unlocking the secrets of immortality. The song's title is just talking about the "death of God" in the abstract.

That said, and getting back to Lunar, I get their point. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover (title), but a tracklisting would have been very helpful.


I'm editing this at a later point because I forgot to clarify something that is relevant to the above.

The fact there is no official tracklist for this CD *is* correct, however, there are official names for the all the tracks included in the game, minus anything that's part of a FMV.

One of the items in the main character's possession during the game is an ocarina. If you click on the ocarina when in the inventory menu, you can gain access to a list of all the in-game music at any time, and all pieces *do* have titles. The tracklisting that's here and you'll find elsewhere mainly uses these titles derived from here and, if you find a game rip of the music in the game, it probably uses these titles. That said, the accuracy of this title probably depends on how good or bad LSSSC translation was/is.

There are a few catches however, the big one being (as this makeshift tracklising points out) that not all the tracks and names are taken from Silver Star Story Complete. It's an amalgamation of several sources.

For example, track 06 "Boss Battle (Sega CD)" was the boss battle theme in the Sega CD original, but it was replaced with a track called "Stand And Fight" in Complete. However, in an interesting twist, "Boss Battle" *was* used on the Lunar Silver Star Story Complete demo disc during it's closing FMV, which was a fitting use for it in my opinion since it got demoted.

Also, this isn't music related, but an interesting thing about the demo is you can do something in the demo that you can't do in the final version of the game. If you do this thing (get rid of a certain item) and use your save data to continue on in the full release (which was a cool element of the demo) you will be unable to complete the game at the end 20 to 25 hours later. No lie, my friend did this and curses the game for it. The demo also contained the original Japanese voice acting in battle.

Sorry for going on, but despite not being crazy about this game I actually have a bit of history with it. I honestly liked the PSP remake more, but I think I'm in the minority there. Still, I *do* hold an affinity towards the PS1 audio because of that.

Last edited by Brad Evans II; May 18, 2019 at 11:19 PM.
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