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Old Aug 9, 2013, 03:27 PM
Ramza Ramza is offline
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Thank you for the feedback Matron. I've actually *never* listened to FSB94 (what is wrong with me?). I've probably owned about 40% of all Falcom albums in the course of my life and listened to maybe double that. But FSB94 ... I think it's probably because it was always so expensive in my high school / college days (is it still? Haven't checked, but probably). I would like to hear its version of "Wings of Darkness."

But I actually wrote a review of JDK Band 4, years before I heard the LoX OST. Not sure why I didn't mention it in the review, because I *love* that album.

Considering you sound like an expert on PCE hardware-based music, I trust you when you say the LoX OST is stronger than many other games using PCE hardware.

I read through the review again, and though I personally thought it was a pretty good piece of writing on my part, it's fair to say I didn't really say anything to defend my premise that the PCE synth is unappealing. I just state it and move on. So ... yeah, I hear ya.

Thanks for sharing your insights. The good news is that this forum stands as a record of discussion on this OST, so perhaps you've righted my "wrong" of the RPGFan Review.
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