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Old Oct 22, 2017, 05:50 PM
HarukameiKasumo's Avatar
HarukameiKasumo HarukameiKasumo is offline
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I admit i was a bit livid at first and didn't catch a thing or two. I at first thought this place was going to start including mainstream hollywood film soundtracks. Like it would have a thing or two based on some reasoning, and then would eventually lead to this place turning into a general arts and entertainment soundtrack page. I personally am not keen on this place including things outside of video game soundtracks overall, leading into anime and especially comic books/hollywood film. But I am not the owner of this place, plus I don't have to search that section, and it's not dominant either, so I've no reason to complain. I have just seen things in the past start doing things, and then it not only leads to more of it, but also gets overrun with that new thing that completely changes what that place was originally about. But coming back with a more rational mind i think i see what the deal is here, so very well.
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