Thread: MAGES. (#773)
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Old Nov 1, 2014, 11:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Dag View Post
This all makes me think that:
- "5pb." (legal EN: "5pb. Inc.", legal JP "株式会社5pb.") is the actual, current legal entity that owns the copyrights and wasn't actually terminated in 2011/06 [but I can't find evidence for it].
- OR "5pb." is now the umbrella label, and is the one officially credited.
About this, I've read the Wikipedia entry for 5pb. a little better and assuming I got it right, it says that their main label (5pb.) was kept in the MAGES. company. So the "5pb. Inc." company doesn't exist anymore, but the 5pb. label is still around. This is the relevant part of the article:
2011年5月31日までは、株式会社5pb.として、5pb.Records・5pb.Gamesを中核 として各種事業を展開する独立企業であったが、ドワンゴと文化放送の合弁会社株式会社AG-ONEと対等合併、同日付官報公告ではAG-ONEを存続会社として5pb.を吸収合併、5pb.は解散し、株式会社MAGES.を発足した[1]。その後「5pb.」は、同社のブランド名となった。
While the article you linked specifies that the "internal labels" are kept as they are (though it doesn't talk about 5pb.):
この度、株式会社5pb.及び株式会社AG-ONEは、対等合併を実施し、平成 23 年6月1日をもって、新たに『株式会社MAGES.』として発足する運びとなりました。

以下、既存事業に関する名称及び方針の変更はございません。 この度の業務拡大に併せ、これまでと変わりのないスタッフ陣営にて、更なる飛躍をめざし、邁進していく所存 です。

So to be really correct, I guess we should go with option 2c which means creating a page for 5pb. label (not company), but we should also link it to every 5pb. entry, including the Records ones, while leaving 5pb.Records/Games as "imprint". Though, this seem a bit excessive to me since literally EVERY entry would have it, and it's kind of implied when you see Records/Games, so I'm still for the option 2a which is more consistent with what we do for other companies.
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Last edited by Illidan; Nov 2, 2014 at 12:11 AM.
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