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Old Apr 14, 2009, 10:36 AM
Zorbfish Zorbfish is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 267
Default Liner Notes for (Doujin) Releases

I recently obtained about 100+ doujins through a couple bulk auctions. As I slowly work through them I've noticed that a lot of the earlier releases (pre-2004) do not have printed liners notes. Most of these discs are CD-Rs, and instead of a printed booklet the last track is usually a data track containing the actual liner notes in either raw-text or html format.

My question is that given that these cannot be "scanned" in the way we're currently archiving how should these be preserved? I also know that there are still circles that do this to keep the cost of their releases down (Re:SPEC and salvation by faith records, etc.).
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