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Old Jun 20, 2015, 05:16 PM
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《J》 《J》 is offline
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I believe you are talking about this?

From left to right (this is just speculation from my part - do not take it as confirmation):
Masaru Nakajima - Satoshi Arai - Atsushi Shirakawa - Tomohiko Kishimoto* - Naoki Kaneda - Takahiro Tsunashima

*(90s J.D.K. Band arranger - he provided four arrangements for Music for Brandish 3. Speaking about that.. why the hell does the RPGFan review say "Though "Sound Team JDK" is listed as the official composer, there is sufficient evidence to believe that the much of this music was composed by the 80s-rock-style arranger Tomohiko Kishimoto. Almost every song is fast-paced, and the standard guitar/bass/keyboard/drum setup is found in at least half of the tracks on the two disc album." Like... the fuck is this shit...? One would think they'd proofread their reviews before clicking the "upload" button... jeez.)

Incidentally enough, no trace of Mieko Ishikawa can be found in those pictures... Anyway, here's another picture with the Falcom Sound Team J.D.K. of 1992 (Mieko Ishikawa, Atsushi Shirakawa, Hirofumi Matsuoka, Masaru Nakajima, Naoki Kaneda, and Takahiro Tsunashima), albeit in *way* too low quality. This is a promotion for the Dragon Slayer J.D.K. Special album.

I wish I could give a good response to this, but I'm way too tired from work right now.

As for Brandish 3 (which I consider the BEST thing Falcom Sound Team J.D.K. have ever done on the PC-98)... I know that Naoki Kaneda composed about a 50% of it (confirmed tracks: Cemetery and Fivelria). Also reminder that he is the man who did Gadobadorrer AND Soldier's Sorrow from Brandish 2, meaning that deserves the utmost praise.

Last edited by 《J》; Jun 20, 2015 at 05:35 PM.
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