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Old Dec 23, 2014, 03:14 PM
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Efendija Efendija is offline
VGMdb Staff
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Serbia
Posts: 2,009

OK, I know you like to do this H, being vocal even about the things that are really attempt of enforced rules, such as no retroactive adding of game platforms relative to the album's release date, for that one you were also very vocal until it was explained. Regardless of that, I'm sure you still find it stupid.

Back to this issue, the part you've maybe missed is:
As for really in-game localization because there isn't a better source (aside from the ever-present fan translation), it depends on the moment, on the album itself and if the people don't have a problem with it e.g.
That one really is in the nature of this database (well, nature of inconsistency regarding certain things). It depends on the moment & specific album and if people are fine with using in-game localization (I've basically repeated myself).

Ideally, the only way you can be 100% faithful to the original titles is not translating them at all, which some (music) databases do apply using only the unchanged info that's given on the album release. That means no romanization (even though it's harmless), no fan translation and no localization. What you see on the covers verbatim, is all you get: no Romaji, no fighting over translation(s), nothing. So, hypothetically speaking, if one wants to be completely neutral, that would be the way to go.


Just wondering, what would you do if the (same) booklet also contains English version titles and some are really, really off compared to the original titles? Would you say that more literal fan translation should be default in that case too? Because idk why favor something that could be very wrong even if it's in the booklet.

Also H, stay noisy as ever and be fine.

Last edited by Efendija; Dec 23, 2014 at 03:18 PM.
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