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Old Apr 4, 2012, 08:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Hellacia View Post
ー elongates a vowel though... or how would we write that? Dag wrote it is teema... everyone writes it as teema. Or is there a more proper way to write it?

oh orly... sorry but romanization of ー isn't that simple
after an e, you can have an i
after an o, you can have an u
without speaking of the "a" case that can have "ar", "er" or "or" (if you don't wikipediaze it -> Armor)

it's not because everybody writes it as TEEMA that it's necessarily correct
you only see what you want to see
I said with a word processor, TEEMA doesn't make テーマ but テエマ

why do I mention a word processor?
it's simple, normally when you romanize a word, you should be able to rewrite it in jap from the romanization
with TEEMA, it's not possible
that writing is incorrect but used for convenience, that's all
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