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Old Aug 7, 2013, 02:10 PM
isdapi isdapi is offline
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Default CX-7015: Symphonic Suite Yamato III

-Round 4-

As in previous editions, I will only discuss rare (not romanized before) performers.

Drums: Jun Moriya/森谷順, Isao Yomoda/四方田勇夫
Electric-bass: Eiji Matsushita/松下英二, Shigeru Matsumoto/松本茂
Electric-guitar: Masahiro Ikumi/幾見雅博, Teiji Mihata/三畑貞二, Kiyoshi Sugimoto/杉本喜代志, Takao Naoi/直居隆雄
Gutt-guitar (solo): Yoshio Kimura/木村好夫
Keyboard: Kentaro Haneda/羽田健太郎, Nobuo Kurata/倉田信雄
Latin: Fujio Saito/斉藤不二雄/斉藤不二男, Naomi Kawahara/川原真美
Percussions: Isao Kanayama/金山功, Kenji Shiraishi/白石健二
Flute: Takashi Asahi/旭孝, Akira Fujiyama/藤山明
Oboe: Masakazu Ishibashi/石橋雅一, Mamoru Ohno/大野守
Clarinet: Toshiyuki Araki/新井淑之
Trumpet: Akira Miyashita/宮下明, Yoshikazu Kishi/岸義和, Toshio Araki/荒本敏男, Fumio Shiroyama/白山文男
Trombone: Eiji Arai/新井英治, Yasuo Hirauchi/平内保夫, Harumi Mita/三田治美, Sumio Okada/岡田澄雄
Horn: Yasuhiro Okita/沖田晏宏, Shin Nagaoka/長岡慎, Katsuyoshi Kurosawa/黒沢勝義, Masayuki Yamashiro/山代雅之
Tuba: Shuhei Kubo/久保修平
Harp: Keiko Yamakawa/山川恵子
Violin: (solo) Tsugio Tokunaga/徳永二男, Tomato Strings Group/トマト弦楽グループ
Scat: Kazuko Kawashima/川島和子

斉藤不二雄 (Percussion player) = Fujio Saito
It was already discussed that the correct name of this artist is 斉藤不二男, and since he was active in several albums around that time (70's and 80's) and as he's also credited on this album along with a bunch of regular members of the SOY, it's safe to assume this artist can only be Fujio Saito.

大野守 (Oboe player) = Mamoru Ono
MPN provides a reading for this oboist, the same as DrillSpin. This artist is quite obscure, only a pair of mentions coming from two albums, not credited in his romanized form on the entire internet.
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