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Old Apr 24, 2018, 06:15 PM
Ramza Ramza is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
Would someone with potential knowledge of the game itself be able to provide some context for these two track titles?

31 熱唱・悪魔の花道 <真・女神転生if...>
32 失笑・悪魔の花道 <真・女神転生if...>

Hanamichi can mean flower arrangement or a runway in a theater. I'm presuming it is the latter, but it is SMT so, not entirely sure.
Here's the best I got for ya:

1) I scrawled through a full-script translation of SMT if... on GameFAQs, nothing even remotely close popped out. These are clever song titles for whatever event/battle is happening.
2) I am currently watching YouTube vids of the game, full playthrough. *once the soundtrack is released,* I can identify when the songs play in-game (I personally suspect a two-part battle, or an intro talking to the boss "singing" and then the battle "laughing"). Being able to watch that scene should give clues.
3) to muddy the waters ... there is a famous Japanese movie called "Enka no Hanamachi." All the videos and screenshots I saw included both the part of the stage that extends out (the "Hanamachi") as well as flower arrangements. Maybe it's a pun? Also, interesting tie-in, a dungeon in Shin Megami Tensei ONLINE re-used the school from SMTif... and there was a weapon you could win from in there, it was a golden microphone called (wait for it) ... Enka no Hanamachi.

That's the best I got for now.
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