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Old Aug 4, 2010, 03:24 AM
Cedille Cedille is offline
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Originally Posted by Medina View Post
I really don't think this is furigana. Furigana is usually listed either in vertical or horizontal style next to a kanji to indicate its intended pronunciation. But it has nothing to do with overriding the use of another set of characters. Look at the use of furigana in a song title like this. You will see that the kanji 地方 and 旅立 in track 1 are accompanied by kana characters that are there to help with the pronunciation, but we don't add them to the title. In this case, くろがね wasn't listed as an aid to pronounce other kanji. It was listed right alongside the title, in between hyphens, as you very frequently see parts of titles in soundtracks. You can see this in the scans, like the back.
There are multiple ways to add Furigana nowadays. One is to add it above the kanji in a smaller font, but another major way is to put it into round brackets or such and using hyphens or dashes instead is not particularly uncommon. So I think we should determine each case based on whether the letters serves as Furigana or not, rather than how they are written. For me くろがね looks like Furigana which is placed as an aid to read 鉄竜 as officially intended.

As for the English/Romaji translation, well, I don't know. My preference is not to add both, but I see why the opposite is also supported.
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