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Old Jun 14, 2014, 10:19 PM
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BGM2(「 りんごの森の子描たち」)--> BGM2(「 りんごの森の子猫たち」)
エンィング --> エンィング
クレジット --> クレジット
タイトル --> タイトル
ネームエントリー --> ネームエントリー1
ネームエントリー --> ネームエントリー2

Question/Comments about existing tracks:

- Used existing translation for some of the Ninja Gaiden tracks but I am not particularly happy with the translation for "689、皆好きや…き?(ゲームクリア・エンディング)". I feel like there is a play on words we're missing here.

- I translated "第4n+1面/n≧1" as "4th n+1 Stage / n≧1" and as much as I try to keep Unicode out of English tracklists, I don't know that I can on these particular tracks.

- I didn't translate "雷牙", I left it as "Raiga" in the one track it's in.

- ”ゴーディン" is the name of the monster that tries to kill you in Rygar when you run out of time. I couldn't find an English translation of it anywhere. Maybe it's only an Arcade thing? Was it in the NES game? I did find reference to it on a few Japanese sites and the Hardcore Gaming 101 website just notes it as "Unless... time runs out. Then a big red guy. He comes to kill you."

Ganbare Ginkun specific tracks:

エラベルワルツ (コースセレクト)
King of Curry(カレーの王様)
マロニエの葉 (未使用曲)
ワイハー気分 (ラッコさん部隊, ユキヤマン, つりばか必死)
ドン・ブガルー (ベルギー消防団)
北谷店へようこそ (赤ちゃん危機一髪, オレとジャンプとメタンガス)
GIN'S BAR (しかってしかばね)
がんばれ白組 (ロケットずし)
FSF?! (ふとうでしとう)
やったぜ! (ゲーム成功)
よかった~ (ゲーム成功)
ああ無情 (ゲーム失敗)
だめだこりゃ (ゲーム失敗)
ラッキー・バルボア・ファンファーレ (チャンスゲーム)
また来週 (ラウンドクリア)
のんきなふたり (シナリオ部)
がんばれギンくん愛のテーマ (エンディング)
「がんばれハムくんRADIO-SHOW リターンズ! サイトロン水遠に!」
Theme of Ganbare Ginkun -- Ginkun is the main players name, I think?
As You Like (Minigame Select) --
As You Like 2 (Game Decision ~ Instruction)
Selectable Waltz (Course Selection) -- "エラベル" = "selectable" (, "ワルツ" = "Waltz". I'm not sure if "Selectable" is correct or not.
Well, Let's Start (Course Map) -- Could be "Come On, Let's Start" or "Hey, Let's Start" or "Begin" instead of "Start" but it's all basically the same.
Beyond the Stratosphere (Getter Gin) -- Explains the minigame here: So "Beyond the Stratosphere" is correct. Is "Getter" a throwback to "Getter Robo"?
Cattle Flamenco (Cattle and Red Cloak, Flamenco's Not Crying) -- 泣いてないよフラメンコ is the only part that I'm not sure about. It's the name of one of the minigames again, something about a red heel and intercepting missles that get launched up or something. The other minigame is about dodging a cow (read: Bull) as a flamenco with a red cloak or something like that.
King of Curry (King of Curry)
Steady Thrust AFRIKA (Dharma's Loincloth) -- Darumasan is a counting song in Japanese and loincloth is one of the variations of it, I think? I'm not entirely sure what Dontsuku. From googling I get the impression it is the Japanese phonetic for when you beat or hit something rapidly? This link gives a good description of the Dontsuku Festival in Inatori, which is about some sort of fertility god and he gives a good translation here: "'Don Don Tsuku Tsuku', which means 'steadily/rapidly thrust thrust'!", so perhaps this means "Steady Thrust"? Given that the mini-game appears to have you steadily and rapidly hit the loincloth, I think this makes sense.
Chin Polka (Rapid Cannon, Taste of Teddy Bear Whips) -- I think Don here is used again as "Steady/Rapid", it's a minigame where you have to shoot a cannon by, I think timing up and pressing your button when the word "GO" appears on the screen (not trick words like "COW" or "GOOD"). くまちゃんムチの味 is another minigame about catching Teddy Bears falling down the screen or something weird. I'm not sure what Taste or Whips have to do with it but it wasn't all that difficult of a sentence to figure out, just not sure if the context is correct.
Horse-chestnut Leaves (Unused Music) -- I could add "Tree" To this to further clarify but I guess it's not necessary. I didn't know what a Horse-chestnut was until I looked it up.
Waiha Feeling (Sea Otter's Troops, Yukiyaman, Desperate Fishing Fool) -- I don't know what "waiha" but it is does use the same katakana as Hawaii and there are a lot of co-linked searches with it. Could be nothing. This site indicates that it's slang for Hawaii,, but I don't know how accurate that is. Sea Otter's Troops is a minigame where you try to send baby otters over to their mother by pressing the button when your power bar reaches MAX or close to it or something like that. Yukiyaman, I don't know if it has a direct translation but you have to ski down a slalom and avoid bears. Yuki is "Snow" but I can't find anything to indicate that "yaman" means anything.
Rapid Boogaloo (Belgium Fire Brigade) -- Belgium Fire Brigade is a minigame where you try to piss on a bomb fuse to put it out (video linked below). Don Bugaru might be intended to be a name but also given some of the other names above (Waltz, Polka, Flamenco), this might be "Don Boogaloo", or if we use the definition for "Don" above, it could be "Rapid Boogaloo"
Welcome to the Chatan Store (Close Call Baby, I Jump Over Methane Gas) -- Close Call Baby is one of the minigames linked below, you have to pull babies back from getting to some creepy looking dude. I am unsure how to translate オレとジャンプとメタンガス. I Jump Over Methane Gas? Methane Gas and Jump and I? The objective of the game as far as I can tell is to jump over a pool of methane gas.
GIN'S BAR (Scold Corpses) -- Minigame where I think the objective is to hit a corpse (zombie) that's dancing differently than the other 11 zombies (i.e., scolding them).
Ganbare White Team (Rocket Sushi)
FSF?! (Sudden Struggle to the Death) -- This minigame you press the button to hit the brakes when you enter a predetermined "brake" zone, so I think that ふとうでしとう is ふとうで + しとう (死闘). Google translate gives me "Sudden" as an option here but I think it's wrong because it's not able to parse the words properly and is probably just guessing.
I Did It! (Game Success)
It Was Good~ (Game Success)
Ohh Cruel (Game Failure) -- I added an extra 'h' to add textual emphasis like the double 'a'.
I'm Dead (Game Failure)
Rocky Balboa Figure (Chance Game) -- lol
Also Next Week (Round Clear)
Two Easygoing People (Scenario Part)
Game Over
Ganbare Ginkun's Theme of Love (Ending)
Special Sound Effects and Voice!
"Ganbare Ginkun RADIO-SHOW Returns! Scitron Distant Water!" -- サイトロン水遠に has me stumped, サイトロン can be Sightron (a company that makes scopes) or Scitron, the record label, but why either of those would be in the track title is beyond me. Scitron makes more sense of the two, though. And 水遠に, I have no idea.

Well, to start the only English information I could find was three insane YouTube videos of the game and how bizarre it is:

Here's an explanation of each of the minigames with pictures that help with the translations:

Last edited by dancey; Jun 14, 2014 at 10:23 PM.
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